Windows 8


Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
Henry Tucayo Clay
I'm thinking about upgrading from Windows 7 to 8. Has anyone here tried Windows 8? Is it worth it?
I've at least tried almost all of the main OS systems and from my experience: Windows XP>Windows 7>Windows 8>Windows Vista

Anyway Windows 8 is great if you're in to tablets and have good internet speed. If you need your computer for school or business, I'd recommend that you stick with 7.
what advantages will you get by using Windows 8

zero, so there's no point in upgrading

my dad, who beta tested Win 8, basically laughs at the Win 8 commercials because he knows how bad it is
Mason Voorhees said:
I won't consider upgrading from XP until a program I need comes out that won't run on it. :yoshi:

I use Windows 8, and I actually like it.
The Previews were indeed bad, but most of it is fixed in the actual release.

Most of the time, you want to choose Windows 8 for the Metro Apps, Xbox 360 compatibility, Windows Tablets, having an MS Ecosystem, or you simply like to have the latest of the latest.
However, you might want to check, if all of your Apps, Games, and/or Drivers are compatible with Windows 8.
If not, then Windows 7 still has enough years of support.
MKGirlism said:
I use Windows 8, and I actually like it.
The Previews were indeed bad, but most of it is fixed in the actual release.
Most of what? The Metro interface is still strange and confusing.
I was aiming on freezing and other bugs.