This is the idea corner, where an idea is posed to invent, and you can either post your own idea in the comments for the topic, or expand on someone elses idea.
We know there will be another main-series pokemon game. So what things would you like to see in the next Pokemon game? These can be new pokemon, new areas, new mechanics, anything! Post your ideas here!
If you wish to just type your own thoughts, go ahead. If you wish to read my thoughts, read past the Luigis.

My thoughts:
We know there will be another main-series pokemon game. So what things would you like to see in the next Pokemon game? These can be new pokemon, new areas, new mechanics, anything! Post your ideas here!
If you wish to just type your own thoughts, go ahead. If you wish to read my thoughts, read past the Luigis.

My thoughts:
- A steel-poison type based off a trash can, possibly an evolution of trubbish with the Metal Coat
- Hidden gyms. After you defeat the elite four, you can find 8 gym leaders hidden around the region. Some of these may be gym leaders who retired, past champions, or important citizens/powerful trainers deemed good enough to become part of the Hidden Gym System. There could be more than 8.
- Two ideas for Champions:
- Noah: A trainer who has a total of 12 different types on his team, one of which being a water-steel Ark based pokemon.
- Joey: A normal type champion. Following fire, water, grass and electric elite four (he could be part of the hidden elite four), he is the original youngster Joey, with a high level Eviolite rattata, along with other normal types from the region.
- A town underground
- A town floating above the clouds
- 3D
- Possibly more than 8 gyms, Maybe 12
- More than 8 gyms with options. You can take all of them, some of them. Maybe a minimum of 8 to enter, but only if you beat all 12 can you access the secret gyms
- New Eeveelutions. Most wanted for me are ground, fighting and flying
- New types. Possible: Space, Technology (man made pokemon?)
- Space travel. Like the spaceship in RSE, except it works and you can, post game, go to space and find new Space pokemon
- Be in a developing region. Not all of it is fully made yet, and it's being built as you go through it
- Possible professor ideas:
- Professor Maple: Expanding on the idea of a developing region, she is a maple haired young female professor. She meets with you, and you learn she wants to be the best professor ever, and, as the region is unexplored, she sends you out with a Pokedex to document the new Pokemon. Very egotistical. Not as wise as previous professors.
- Professor Redwood: Tall, red haired professor. Not much personality, as with other professors.
- Jumping. Something allowing you to run and jump or fall. In a 3D environoment, this could be awesome. A little platforming with our pokemon.
- Possibly a hub city where you start off in an apartment. This city is much larger than anywhere else in the pokemon universe, and through a system of trains you can get to tows on the other side of the lake, which the city was built in the middle of. Region shaped like a U with a huge lake in the middle and lake on top, along with islands around the edge.
- 8th gym leader: Dark Type. We've never had a dark-type gym leader before. That would be cool