Mario in Real Time reveals Mario's last name is Mario (along with his family)

Yoshidude99 said:
Cool. I liked that comment about Bowser at the end.
"I want him to be a star. If he's busy being a star maybe he won't kidnap the princess."
Pretty old. This technically isn't canon.
Yeah, Miyamoto confirmed it that Mario doesn't have a last name. I guess Charles Martinet doesn't know that.
Gundam Tanaka said:
Pretty old.
So? By that logic half the recent threads in this board and the video games board that are about a thing that is few months old or older should have their threads dissed
I'm only curious about that why not asking about other characters if some people already regard Mario as MM. The information should be provided by the staff directly.
Dorayaki said:
I'm only curious about that why not asking about other characters if some people already regard Mario as MM. The information should be provided by the staff directly.
It was Charles Martinet in the machine