Apparently a sequel to a Newgrounds game called "Meat Boy", Super Meat Boy is one of those indie games that have received quite a bit of attention in recent years and I've only recently bought it via Xbox Live and started playing it.
For those of you unaware, Super Meat Boy is about a boy made of "meat" called... well, Meat Boy. He has a girlfriend called Bandage Girl who's apparently, like him, a girl made of "meat", and there's a bad guy called Dr. Fetus, who... Well, yeah. The game's a platformer, an quite a fast-paced one at that; it requires a lot of good timing, fast reflexes, and patience, but is actually quite manageable and not completely unfair, like certain other indie platformers...
First of all, I felt quite a bit squeamish playing this game at first, ESPECIALLY after I found out that
Meat Boy is actually a skinless boy... ew.
And boy, let me tell you, as someone who gets EASILY frustrated at video games, I cannot tell you how much this method of death and restarting helped calm me down, in addition to it just being a very smooth game in which if I DO die, it was mostly my own fault. When I die, I didn't have time to get frustrated and throw a tantrum, I was immediately thrown back into the action, and I like that! This game doesn't waste my time. While other games would squander in their "you lost, you should try again, do better next time!" phase, this game just goes "you'redeadyou'rebackGO!", which is good, because that way I can get back to the part which was troubling me!
Sometimes... There are some levels that, while not long per se, had one point which was quite a bit in that I had a LOT of trouble with. The one that sticks out in my mind the most was this one in "The Hospital"... It was the first shadow one with a red background. Had a lot of trouble getting over those spikes, and I wasn't sure whether to jump or wall jump or run through or whatever... for a while, anyway.
The warp zones are interesting, in that they warp you to a bonus level in which everything is retro... Which I don't see the point, the game already looks pretty retro to begin with, what with Meat Boy being pretty blocky outside cutscenes and the world map. The only real difference outside of appearances with these levels is that now you're limited to three tries per each level in these warp zones, via... a lives system. Can't quite escape it, can ya? Although there WAS this warp zone which really threw me off guard; it had me play as this guy from another game called Bit.Trip Runner, and the levels were based on his game! I had heard about this game via WiiWare, but I never actually played it... I might check it out now, thanks to this one part! Best thing is, after you beat those three warp zone levels, you unlock him as a playable character and can select to play as him in during the main game!
Oh yeah, there's a character select in which you unlock character by collecting bandages scattered throughout certain levels. I don't have much, since I've been breezing through the game, though one level was totally short and the bandage was in plain sight, and I died something like 30-50 times trying to get it before I beat the stage. There's clearly a lot that I'm missing, but I'm definitely going to go back and find them!
So yeah, TOTALLY awesome game! I can see why it's so popular! Still kind of weirds me out how he splatters everywhere he lands...