If you could meet one Mario character in person, who would it be?


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
My preference is stated in my username. Who would you guys like to meet?
I can't decide yet, but it's between Bowser :bowser: or Bowser Jr. :bowjr: If I could, I would choose both.
I'd love to meet all of them, but mostly :bowser: and :bowjr:

Baby Mario and Toadette won't disappoint me either
Also, if I could meet bowser, I would help him defeat mario (since I kind of don't like him) and give him a plan that would be more affective
1.Get rid of that switch
2. Trap peach in a big, wide room and put her inside of a cage on the ceiling.
3. Put fire igniters all over the floor (but make it look like its just flooring)
4. Tell mario that peach is in the room
5. When he enters the room turn the igniters on.
Affect: He will burn to ash and you (Bowser) win.

Pros: If you happen to go into the room, nothing will happen to you because you are resistant to fire plus you're a mortal.
Cons: There aren't any

If I could be with bowser jr. I would help him too.
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

And nobody wants to meet :yoshi:?
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

And nobody wants to meet :yoshi:?

Hell yes, I'd like to meet Yoshi. I'd like to have one for a pet, but it would probably either eat me or all my belongings lol.
The End said:
well Yoshi never ate Mario, so why would you be an exception?

Well originally in Super Mario World, Mario saved him from being trapped in an egg by Bowser, if I remember correctly. Also, I'd look rather strange to him as I don't think he's seen a real-world person before
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

Just because they're bad guys, doesn't mean they're bad guys. If they don't fulfill their villainous duty, who else will?

Anyway, I'm going for E. Gadd. I'd like to see if he could make me any inventions.
Staraptor said:
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

they're bad guys, doesn't mean they're bad guys.
you totally ripped that off wreck-it ralph didn't you.
Turbo-Tastic said:
Staraptor said:
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

they're bad guys, doesn't mean they're bad guys.
you totally ripped that off wreck-it ralph didn't you.
Yes, yes I did.

If bad guys were good, who else is gonna crush skulls like sparrow eggs between their thighs? :P
Fawful said:
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

And nobody wants to meet :yoshi:?

Hell yes, I'd like to meet Yoshi. I'd like to have one for a pet, but it would probably either eat me or all my belongings lol.

Actually, bowser and bowser jr. doesn't mess with regular people unless they are "in cahoots with mario and his freind". I actually see eye to eye with bowser so I think we would become very close freinds. I think mario is pushover that lets people say anything to him without a word. I also feel that all he really does is run away from bowser until he can find "that switch" (does he ever actually attack "bowser" in any of the games. His brother is a wimpy little scaredy-cat and toad is absolutely annoying. Bowser kidnaps peach because he wants to take over the mushroom kingdom. To be honest even though he would probably enslave all of the toad or something but at least he would actually be doing something with his power. Peach barely does anything but "spend time with mario". In fact, I would want to know what exactly does bowser want to do when he takes over the mushroom kingdom. I don't necessarily think that bowser is the kind of guy who would enslave anyone since he already has minions for that purpose. From what I see from what he does in the the video games , he would probably just rename the mushroom kingdom "bowser land" and put his name and stuff all over the place and make people respect him or something. To be honest, if I could I would do that too.
The End said:
Everyone wants to meet the bad guys, yet they'll probably just rip your head off if you go anywhere near them. That's why they're called bad guys.

And nobody wants to meet :yoshi:?
and actually, I would like to meet yoshi also.