Signavatar Server Dead?

Ray Trace

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
Wiki Administrator
Poll Committee
Ray Trace
Anyone with a rotating avatar has images that won't load. I'm assuming that signavatar's server is down?
If there is another site that can host rotating avatars, then you can. Did you upload your images via imageshack or something alike? Your images should still be there and can be in use for other things.
Most of them I found online, copied the url, etc. Other than that, I use Photobucket to upload my images.

Anyway I found this, and I can actually upload directly to here, so I'm about to switch over.

EDIT: well never mind then! Can't get it to work. EDIT 2:OK, got it to work. LOL
Well, the site is up and running again. I guess this means lock?
It doesn't have much use to Report this problem to Mario Wiki, as they have nothing to do with it.
I mean, it's like calling your local Hotel, because you've got problems with your Mobile Phone.
Going from the tone of the OP, she didn't intend to report the problem though, only to ask other people if they experience the same problem and if they know any details.

It's like calling your friend and ask them if whatever your mobile phone is doing right now is normal, or if you should invest the time and effort to get it repaired.
Edo's right. Sorry YamiHoshi