Ender's Game


Artisanal Cheese Taster
My favorite book of all time. The movie trailer came out yesterday, but to be quite honest, it looks awful.

I personally didn't like the book at all, but I can understand why people do.

Might see this just to get a few chuckles.
I found the book pretty boring. Then again, one of my favorite books, House of the Scorpion, would be considered boring to some.
Electro Specter said:
I found the book pretty boring. Then again, one of my favorite books, House of the Scorpion, would be considered boring to some.
I found the book fairly enjoyable, if a bit slow at times, but I detested the ending.
What I really enjoyed about the book was how it portrayed Ender's fight with the Battle School. I could connect very well with Ender.
Electro Specter said:
I found the book pretty boring. Then again, one of my favorite books, House of the Scorpion, would be considered boring to some.

Omg, I've read that book! I really liked it!

Anyway, I remember reading a few pages of the book before I got bored. To be fair, I think I was about 12 or so.
Gundam Tanaka said:
The movie trailer came out yesterday, but to be quite honest, it looks awful.
Really? Looked pretty good to me.

The only real change to me was that it looked more futuristic than I had imagined. I always pictured Battle School as a lot like a space camp I went to. But that's my own interpretation, so whatever.

Also Harrison Ford as Graff. That's awesome.
Marisa said:
Gundam Tanaka said:
The movie trailer came out yesterday, but to be quite honest, it looks awful.
Really? Looked pretty good to me.

The only real change to me was that it looked more futuristic than I had imagined. I always pictured Battle School as a lot like a space camp I went to. But that's my own interpretation, so whatever.

Also Harrison Ford as Graff. That's awesome.
I suppose it looks good from a movie critic's perspective, but it just seems to miss what really made the book great for me.
The struggle of a little boy in a very competitive environment who is constantly played with and expected to commit xenocide.
I suppose they could have pushed that point in the trailer more, but the twist that he actually commits xenocide is at the end of the book, so they wouldn't have put that in.

And it looked more like a teaser to me. If there's a real trailer, then they'll probably put more emphasis on how Ender is trying to prove himself in the school, etc.
So I was looking around and apparently (or according to Wikipedia, anyways) Orson Scott Card wrote the script and is part of the production team.

Which means that if there's any changes, it's ones that the author himself thought were beneficial.

Well, there's the small matter of the fact that the movie won't be able to convey the emotional aspect of the book too well, and also that Card decided that he didn't even want to keep the ending a secret (though I don't blame him, it was pretty obvious anyway.)
I heard something about how he's planning to film it from the IF's perspective, so we're rooting for Ender to destroy them but simultaneously afraid that he won't and also simultaneously feeling sorry for the poor Ender.

He's also (supposedly) going to be incorporating elements from Ender's Shadow, which should be interesting.
That sounds interesting, actually. I took out Ender's Shadow the other day from the library, I should really get to reading it.
It's interesting. Not as good as Ender's Game, but still good.

The Speaker for the Dead arc is also pretty good, albeit completely different from Ender's Game. And pretty wordy. And really philosophical. So if you aren't really interested in that, that I wouldn't really recommend them.

but i personally sorta enjoyed them