Shezow (new Hub TV series)


Dry Bowser
Retired Wiki Staff
I only just heard about this. Apparently, premiering June 1, The Hub is going to have a new show about a "legacy" superhero known as "Shezow", in which her superpowers and gadgets are passed down... to a teenage boy.

The Hub apparently hopes(almost in a "Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot will be the next My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" kind of way) that the show will have "the magic touch" in the ratings:,0,5722419.story

Interesting premise... Probably would like it more if it didn't look like crap.

And I mean that literally, I don't like the overall look and design of the series. I honestly applaud this new show and would honestly check it out if, you know, the faces didn't look all weird. Same reason I didn't bother with Welcome to Care-a-Lot, and partly why I haven't bothered with Littlest Pet Shop that much. Sounds trite, but that's how it works with me: if I'm going to watch a TV show, I want to to be appealing to my eyeballs in order to actually, you know, watch it.
as far as I can tell it's going to be a mess of gender stereotypes and crossdresser jokes

aka utter trash
Gundam Tanaka said:
as far as I can tell it's going to be a mess of gender stereotypes and crossdresser jokes

aka utter trash
I guess you didn't like Mulan then.
This isn't a new show.

This show premiered like last year.
Toad Eightyfive said:
Gimli said:
This isn't a new show.

This show premiered like last year. Australia.

Oh, that part i didn't know.
Every time I have seen this brought up before in the past year or two there was that "steam" that came with this. It looks like it's here, too.
Well, the concept is a bit...controversial? I really wonder who thought "Yep, sure, this will be good on a kids TV show"?
Purple Yoshi said:
Well, the concept is a bit...controversial? I really wonder who thought "Yep, sure, this will be good on a kids TV show"?
Someone who lives in the 21st century? Which apparently doesn't count most of the American population?

Ironically, this was an Australian-Canadian production.
Smashgoom202 said:
Purple Yoshi said:
Well, the concept is a bit...controversial? I really wonder who thought "Yep, sure, this will be good on a kids TV show"?
Someone who lives in the 21st century? Which apparently doesn't count most of the American population?

Ironically, this was an Australian-Canadian production.

I don't mean it's a bad thing or anything like that. I have no problem with it. I'm just surprised no one thought that other people would have a problem with it.
So MovieBob did a video responding to the media backlash of this cartoon being shown on The Hub:

Here was my response to the video:

"Wait... Gumball quality? MovieBob LIKES Gumball? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a decent show and all, and I just LOVE the visuals and the way it blends different styles of animation, but the actual show itself... Eh... Wouldn't put it in the same camp as Adventure Time, though. As for Shezow, I don't feel interested at ALL in seeing this show, mostly because the visuals don't seem that impressive. Not to mention, most people who've seen it haven't saying good things about it, and not just the anti-LGBT nutballs, either. And having seen the clips of it... Boy, and people thought the horse-related puns in MLP were bad. These are just cringe-worthy!"
That's what a lot people said on Tumblr before the other episodes released and I was one of them.
After watching more episodes I fell completely in love with the whole series and wish to see more. Yeah and I'll admit the first episode was complete ass. It's just riddled with absolutely god awful ice/she-puns and Kelly's piss fit tantrums.