Your hopes for Super Smash Bros. 4 Stages

It's probably pretty obvious but the 3DS version had stages from handheld games and the Wii U Version had stages from home console games. What do you want for stages and which version (3DS/Handheld OR Wii U/Home Console)?
more interesting stages that dont seem to be final destination with a twist.

Though ive not really been too big on most stages in the series so i guess i should really lower my expectations haha.
Bowser's Castle, a "happier" Kirby stage, Aeropolis (F-Zero GX), and Phendrana Drifts (Metroid Prime).

If/When Sonic is confirmed, the Egg Carrier would be pretty neat.
I don't know about you, but

It would make a pretty cool stage riding on top of Grima's back (in dragon form, ya know)
also would like some better moving stages, some seem kinda too fast or too cloged.

Plus i do like that moving smb stage(overworld one) in brawl.
Kid Icarus stages on the Space Pirate ship with the Kraken trying ot knock players off, Phoenix Mountain with the Phoenix flying around in the background and flying in to burn players, or a Chaos Vortex stage.
Something Mario Galaxy related would be neat. Although gravity might be an issue.

And of course there has to be a Mega Man stage and a Wii Fit stage now that they're in there.
Mr. Game & Watch said:
Minako Aino said:
fountain of dreams from melee

Unfortunately, the great Melee stages most likely won't be used, to make way for the "amazing" Brawl stages.
Though if Melee stages are used, if Fourside comes back, I'll cry.
let me join you if it does :'(
Mr. Game & Watch said:
Minako Aino said:
fountain of dreams from melee

Unfortunately, the great Melee stages most likely won't be used, to make way for the "amazing" Brawl stages.
Though if Melee stages are used, if Fourside comes back, I'll cry.

If you hate Brawl, that's fine, but don't try to be a douche about it.

No, I highly doubt that they'll include any previous stages of Melee. Why? They only bring retro stages from the previous game. Much like how Melee brought back some of the original stages, and Brawl only brought back some of the new Melee stages.

So yes, expect to only see new stages and then a couple of the Brawl stages.
Hope they don't add shitty stages like 75m and Super Mario Bros. and I also hope they add more than one Kirby stage. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to only put in the Halberd, and it wasn't even in the right "surrounding". The surroundings in the actual game the Halberd is from was of an ocean during sunset, but in this game it was just red clouds, red sky, red water, red shit, because of Subspace bullcrap.

Also, we need more Kirby stages for the music. Frozen Hillside and Forest theme from Amazing mirror on the Halberd stage? Really?

I can see a Kirby's Epic Yarn stage on the console version. I kind of hope they do a Castle Siege sort of deal where the stage transitions into different parts. For Kirby's Return to Dream Land, I really hope they go with Another Dimension as a stage setting, or at the very least, something from Nutty Noon or Egg Engines.