What is your favorite drink?

The Boulder said:
As far as soda goes, Cheerwine.
I have a relative in Atlanta who always gets us to bring Cheerwine whenever we visit, because apparently it isn't available down there or something?

It didn't seem that good to me, personally, but apparently it's pretty good.
Pepsi Max

Good stuff, almost too good. It's pretty much my choice of drink for everything and when I run out I resort to Milk & Nesquik. Coke is fine as well, but IMO Pepsi tastes better.
Root beer is my favorite, soda wise.

Otherwise, I mix lemonade and orange juice. Good stuff.
Orange soda and root beer for soda. Other than than I like milk and other juices. I don't really like drinking water with meals though since I think it tastes kinda weird like that.
Orange or grape pop, doesn't really matter what brand to me. When I don't want pop, I'll order lemonade. But at home, I have water, juice, or milk.
Of course, I treat all that is sipped equally as my children.
Except for milk, which is an animal waste product masquerading as a drink, a result of the mass abuse of cattle around the world for the sake of the dairy industry's profits.

I also like tea- especially green and oolong.
My favourite juices are cranberry and grapefruit. I really like pineapple juice too but it's waaayyy sweet.
probably coke, chocolate milk, or banana-orange-pineapple juice.

Sucks that all of them are really arent that great for me(and expensive).
Viridi said:
if i choose caffeine for whatever reason (i generally avoid it) then coke

You know that Coca Cola sells caffeine-less varieties, right?

But my choice is absolutely Coca Cola
My favorite soda is Dr Pepper, preferably Cherry. Other things I like include other sodas, Monster Energy, coffee, Mocha Frappe, smoothies and milkshakes. I hate apple, cranberry etc juice.

Also curious as to what certain alcoholic drinks taste like, but never had more than a sip, so I couldn't say.