Do you ever buy video games off ebay?

Coin Heaven

Coin Heaven since '97!
Banned User
If I get a hankering to own and play a game that came out before I was born or too young to have had it when it first came out like Mario 64 and it is not sold in stores for over a decade (I would assume Mario 64 retail stores for the whole life of the Nintendo 64) or even if it nlt aMario game I got interssted in battletoads than mom and day buy me on ebay.
It was over 10 years ago, methinks. But we got a Sega Game Gear with a few Sonic games. I hated it so we just put it back on eBay.
Never had never will,

Reason: You get ripped off
I only rarely buy things off ebay if it's not a ripoff and i have no other way of getting the game.

There may be some store that sells retro games near where you live but I wouldn't know.
I try not too, but if the game isn't available in stores or on the site I buy my games from, then I tend to go there as a backup plan.
I've started using it recently. Got Star Wars:Bounty Hunter, Spider Man:Web Shadows and ordered Spider Man 2 for the PS2 from Ebay. I use ebay for bargins on older games. We've been selling some stuff on Ebay and we've found that if you put the starting price at 99p and if it is a good games then loads of people bid for it and the price rises pretty high. We currently have £19.19 just from afew of my sister's DS games. Now to see if any PS2 games I don't want any more like teh Harry Potter games and the Incredibles will sell.
Last December I bought Pikmin 2 because we couldn't find it anywhere off of ebay. Also got a new copy of Spyro 2 since my other one was all scratched up.
occasionally, after some extensive yard-sale-ing I will but unavailable games off ebay
did a few times, and never will again.

Always arrived late(by months) or was in bad condition.