User Drawing


~Massive Fangirl
I'm going to be drawing various users in MS Paint.

Post here either with a reference or point me to somewhere where i can obtain your reference. Either way i need a reference. I'll add you to the list and draw you whenever. I may or may not draw one tonight, mattering if anyone wants themselves drawn. The final goal of this is to put all the drawinga together and make something for MCS's DA group, but i'll need quite a bit for that so i doubt that will be anytime soon

Sorry i took so long, i completely forgot you asked for a drawing till yesterday.



I decided to add a background because why not. (I didn't make the background, it's from Pokemon, all credit goes to its creators.)

I'm completely willing to draw other users as well, and i won't take so long this time. So come on, don't you want to be drawn by me? And have me make another masterpiece like what is above.
NotABannableOffense said:
Only for a while.

Shouldn't you be asleep, it's like 1.

Actually, shouldn't I be asleep it's like 1.
The possibility of Godzilla news was high, so I kept checking to see if the design was revealed.
I'm just Kagamine Rin so draw her I guess.
I'm sorry for being incredibly slow and dumb.

I will have you guy's done soon.