Pewdiepie is now youtube's most subscribed and popular channel


Celestial Guide
What do you think of this. Do you like Pewdiepie and enjoy his videos or can you not stand him?

I am personally not a big fan of him, I can stand his non-horror videos but his horror videos make no sense at all.
i've watched a small amount of his videos

seems quite overrated to me, but maybe I just watched the wrong things
I never watched PewDiePie before but I just went to his channel:

12-15PM: *Googles Pewdiepie, clicks channel*
12-15PM: *plays channel trailer*
12-16PM: *closes tab*

His videos make no fucking sense.
Damn, this is just insane. Some of YouTube's statistics are seriously blowing up as of recent. I used to like Pewds when he first started, but I hate him now, and this basically sums up why.

me, personally, I like his girlfriend Marzia's videos better, though I feel some pity for her because it must be really hard to deal with him sometimes
I've got to say, this guy is a fucking douche. Seriously, it's a wonder how people still watch his videos. I'd much rather see someone like Captainsparklez at the top, but as much as I hate to admit it, it will most likely never happen.

I can see someone like Tobuscus getting it, though, or maybe someone from Yogscast.
Gomamon said:
85 said:
he's a nice guy otherwise.


well first of all there was that charity stream he did

also he's not a dick or a troll, and he's generally a positive, amicable person as far as I've seen

sure his videos suck but that doesn't mean he himself sucks
tobusucus and smosh are more popular at my school

but i will never watch any of those three
85 said: that's low.

must have missed that episode.

i was under the impression that he does it a lot
No, not at all, unless that's a new thing of his. Besides, outside of his videos and "Pewdiepie" persona, Felix is genuinely a nice person. You can dislike his jokes, you can dislike his brand of entertainment, but there's really no reason to hate the person himself.
Terriermon said:
No, not at all, unless that's a new thing of his. Besides, outside of his videos and "Pewdiepie" persona, Felix is genuinely a nice person. You can dislike his jokes, you can dislike his brand of entertainment, but there's really no reason to hate the person himself.

^this is what I was trying to say, pretty much.
Terriermon said:
No, not at all, unless that's a new thing of his. Besides, outside of his videos and "Pewdiepie" persona, Felix is genuinely a nice person. You can dislike his jokes, you can dislike his brand of entertainment, but there's really no reason to hate the person himself.
Even after he full-out stated "your extra views get me extra cash!"
Kingbowser99 said:
Terriermon said:
No, not at all, unless that's a new thing of his. Besides, outside of his videos and "Pewdiepie" persona, Felix is genuinely a nice person. You can dislike his jokes, you can dislike his brand of entertainment, but there's really no reason to hate the person himself.
Even after he full-out stated "your extra views get me extra cash!"
Can I have context on that, please?

Unknown Entity said:
Nabber said:
still, doesn't it say a lot about you as a person if you think rape is funny?

Like how Pewdiepie could turn into a potential child molester?

I'm sorry, what?
you have just come to the sad conclusion that the tastes of the internet (and humanity in general) are terrible

cancel or allow?
Unknown Entity said:
Terriermon said:
Unknown Entity said:
Nabber said:
still, doesn't it say a lot about you as a person if you think rape is funny?

Like how Pewdiepie could turn into a potential child molester?

I'm sorry, what?

"rape is funny" = "potential child molester"

That's what I got out of that portion.
I never want to see what twisted slippery slope you fell down to reach that conclusion.
Terriermon said:
Unknown Entity said:
Terriermon said:
Unknown Entity said:
Nabber said:
still, doesn't it say a lot about you as a person if you think rape is funny?

Like how Pewdiepie could turn into a potential child molester?

I'm sorry, what?

"rape is funny" = "potential child molester"

That's what I got out of that portion.
I never want to see what twisted slippery slope you fell down to reach that conclusion.

Reading too much about sociopaths led me to that asinine conclusion.

I am fully aware it may not make sense to others.

I said it anyway because that's how my thought process works.
does your thought process also involve stopping yourself from saying things that other people might think are strange?
Dr. Javelin said:
does your thought process also involve stopping yourself from saying things that other people might think are strange?

I could stop myself but I choose to do it anyway.

I love seeing others reactions to the strange things I say. lol