Favorite Mega Man Characters

Unknown Entity

The Lost Soul
Ever since I was a kid, I always liked Shadow Man. IDK why. His design and stage theme?

If we talk Non-Robot Masters, it'd be Bass.

X series would def. be Zero.
wily, proto man and sheep man

haven't played much of the non-mainstream games apart from X2 so i can't give opinions on them
terror teddy and weaseletta dark elf (from the zero series), w-mega man himself, rush, roll, doktah wawee, doctor light, blade man, gutsman and pirate man.
My favorite character in the classic series? I'd have to say Bass. In addition to being fun to play as (even moreso than Mega Man, in my opinion), I happen to find his arrogant personality to be hilarious. As for the X series... I'll have to say Vile, for similar reasons.
classic not sure, probably bass.

X series is certainly zero for sure, plus i love playing as him.