Request: getting past a Flash requirement on a web archive

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Dry Bowser
Wiki Bureaucrat
'Shroom Consultant

Is anyone able to get past the Flash requirement for the North American official Wario Land 4 webpage? This would have been the last entry for my source list, but I can't get past it. I've tried everything, even hunted down the oldest computer in the storeroom at school but I still couldn't get it working. Downloading the old version of Flash 5 doesn't seem to do anything either.

Is anyone able to play the content, by any chance? I was looking for any official names.
Vocal Beat said:
Everything starting with "[nobbc][/nobbc]" that has been archived by Wayback Machine:*/*

The only links that seem to work are a claw crane game and a loading screen, but they don't have anything concerning official names.

It looks like we won't be getting any information from the WL4 site, unless you can find another archive of it.
Thank you for your efforts. So it's not a matter of the Flash version, but the actual pages which were archived, I see.

Oh my that Crane Game was fun! I got ten Wario Bucks! XD

Speaking of which, looking around some miscellaneous pages which happened to be archived, the "Greedville" website seems to be made up of flash games and virtual money and credit themed concept, which was irrelevant to what I intended to find. One of the pages which I would have liked to see would have been this one, which was likely to consist of gaming tips and possible some official names. But one of the benefits of the Flash error page was that it showed a unique upload-able artwork:


Eh, I wish time travel was possible... but as I was thinking about this, it was ironic enough to come across this page. I found it funny, but there is some meaning there. I can't complain about the web archive's lack of coverage in these pages: it wasn't even intended that this content would be even accessible to this day. So I'll try to remain content with what's available. Thanks again, Vocal Beat!
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