Google+ is adding unnecessary comments to my YouTube videos.


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
For a while now, every time I upload a YouTube video, I would share to my subscribers with a special description of the video. Now, every time I do this, that description appears as a comment on the damn video. Commenting the description (when the description box does a fine job) makes me look like a retard. Google+ has officially pissed me off now. Just look at this:
You don't have to watch the video. Look at my "comment" below it. Dumb-looking, huh?
Google has been unnecessarily fucking YouTube up for a while now, but this is stupid
Demidevimon said:
Google has been unnecessarily fucking YouTube up for a while now, but this is stupid
Adding new shiitake mushroomy features to Youtube, not to mention pretty much all their products, will just makes people hate Google more.

The sad thing is, even though everyone says "OMG google sucks they add all dat crap to comments" they really can't because google pretty much rules the world.
Thing is, I actually still like Google, though mainly as a web browser. I was quite angry when I found out that my gmail isn't really that private.
Demidevimon said:
Thing is, I actually still like Google, though mainly as a web browser. I was quite angry when I found out that my gmail isn't really that private.

It pays to read the Terms of Service and crap (I don't read it either). ;P Well, I'm glad that I'm avoiding the majority of the mass "social" media thing (Myspace, Facebook, now Google. Hell, even Youtube, partially).
At least I don't plan on signing up for anything else.

Weird thing is, day after I found that out me and a mate started e-mailing each other.
Google+ in general is unneeded, and so is being forced to make a Google+ account just to make a YouTube one. The fact they make a page for each Youtuber will also end up in a lot of garbage pages that are never used, since I'm pretty sure only several dozen people use Google+. Google was fine to begin with, it's just ruining itself now.
Why won't google just accept no one wants to get Google+? It's so stupid. Yes, we get it, google, you own youtube, but that doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to force people to use your shitty social network.
Purple Yoshi said:
Why won't google just accept no one wants to get Google+? It's so stupid. Yes, we get it, google, you own youtube, but that doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to force people to use your *bleep*ty social network.

Large corporations don't care about humanity, so what makes you think Google cares about it?
Google has gone too far! I mean, they put descriptions about that I shared my videos on Google+ too! It sucks donkey ass!
Delelelele Whoop said:
Google has already enslaved the human race. We must weather such things as we have always done.
how can that be your decision
Didn't Youtube's founder make a complaint now about this bullshit?
When they realize that they're not making any money.
Exactly. If they make money when they force people to sign up for their *bleep*ty syste (and hence, generate revenue from their ads), then they're not going to stop with the easy bucks.
The really stupid thing is, the people at Google are probably going to claim that Google+ is gaining popularity and is going to overtake Facebook, not realising that no one uses their pages, they just made them to comment on Youtube. There's a difference between the amount of accounts and the amount of ACTIVE accounts.

They should be imposing Google+ on all the Facebook users who don't realise Google+ is superior in every way, which is essentially everybody on Facebook. Don't get your Google+ all muddled in my Youtube, though. :P