"Excuse me, I may have just arted"

Lin Beifong

Iron Chief
Chat Administrator
Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
There's a lot of these art dump threads around where people post their creations, so I figured I could do that too and put something in here
twice every decade
every once in a while
really really often and totally frequently.

Like so:

Aw, how cute. :3
I am legally obligated to dispel any illusions and inform you that they do not come with maid uniforms or any other costumes in the actual game.
That'll be in the "Kleaning Kalos" DLC.
But wait, there's more!

This is now my favourite art-related thread ever. And those punny titles are brilliant. All of the slow claps for you.

I'm probably going to train up a Gentle Goodra because of that Goodra one.

Dr. Javelin said:
and this is why i choose to be a carnivine and not a vegetarian

Joke successfully implemented.
Dr. Javelin said:
and this is why i choose to be a carnivore and not a vegetarian

because vegetarianism makes ivysaur uncomfortable? how thoughtful

however, i have to tell you that ivysaur is also at least 50% meat

source: i used to be bulbasaur
This topic has inspired me to art once more.
If you don't like what you see, now you know what to blame for its existence!


God, Hussie. How do you manage to draw in this style? It's exhausting!