Purple Yoshi
King Bowser
The cool thing about the 3DS Activity Log is you can see how long you've played each game for.
Pokemon X: 65:07
Kid Icarus Uprising: 61:34
Pokemon Black 2: 60:16
Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D: 53:30
Professor Layton and the Last Spectre: 18:19
Zelda Minish Cap: 17:43
Super Mario 3D Land: 14:21
It's pretty amazing Pokemon X has become my most-played 3DS game in a matter of weeks.
Pokemon X: 65:07
Kid Icarus Uprising: 61:34
Pokemon Black 2: 60:16
Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D: 53:30
Professor Layton and the Last Spectre: 18:19
Zelda Minish Cap: 17:43
Super Mario 3D Land: 14:21
It's pretty amazing Pokemon X has become my most-played 3DS game in a matter of weeks.