Do You Prefer Cats or Dogs?

Dogs>cats imo
Cats generally. I don't know what it is, but I seem to have an understanding with cats - they're always pretty nice to me.

Dogs are cool too, but they can just be... dumb sometimes. Honestly.

My grandparents have one of the best behaved dogs ever though, she's pretty nice.
私は猫より犬のほうが好きです。家族は犬が大好きですが、猫が好きではありません。I like dogs more than cats/prefer dogs to cats. (My) family loves dogs, does not like cats.
No preference.

being an independent person, i don't want an animal that's going to be over me 24/7. i want an animal that's there when i need it.

at least, that's why i think i like cats. i don't really have an explanation, i just like them