Sonic '06

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Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Everyone seems to rant and rave @ the mention of this game.
Me: Sonic 06
Me: ...
Why is this?
Well it is known to be one of worst games of all time.
Why is that?
I've watched the Game Grump LP of it, and it's clear why it sucks pretty much.

The game's rushed for the holidays, which is usually not a good sign. I've noticed the main hub world looks pretty awful for a game on the Xbox 360. Not to mention that the game has really REALLY poor optimization. Seriously, the loading time in the games are terrible. Sometimes, there's even a 5 second long cutscene between the loading screens, making it so painful. I've also seen a Silver boss fight that looks terribly done and doesn't even looked like the game developers bothered to playtest this level. I think the game also tends to put you in a spot where you don't have any clue what to do next. Did I forget to mention that it has been boring at points?

The story is also subject to criticism, especially that scene with that girl kissing Sonic to revive him. I don't know much about that or the controls (since the only way to have an opinion on the controls is actually playing the game). The only good thing people tend to agree on is that the music is decent.
NSY's Link to that review doesn't work. The playlist for the review is here

But in short Sonic 06 is a game that was rushed terribly, and even concepts that would of made it into the game even if it wasn't rushed were terrible. The Story, Gameplay, and almost everything else except for the music was just awful. There's bugs everywhere within the game that will end up killing you while making progress through the level in ways that aren't your fault, and you end up having to do terribly buggy levels over and over again until you're lucky enough within your life count to make it through ok without getting a game over. You also have the terrible load times. And you have pretty much the lowest point in the Sonic franchise ever.

The experience is just more painful for longtime fans of the series then it is to non-Sonic fans. It's basically clear that Sonic 06 is the worst Sonic game of all time. And pretty much what Superman 64 in the 90s was for the 2000s.
Thanks guys. Now that you answered, I think this should be locked.
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