What is wrong with copy characters?

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chillv said:
The Doctor said:
Did you read the article at least?

chillv said:
Baby Luigi said:
....I don't see how this thread can be locked. I don't see it escalating in a flame-war, nor do I see it breaking any rules. Why rule out a discussion like this?

I thought a mod can lock a thread for any reason if the topic creator wants it to be locked.

Doesn't a mod also has the right to refuse service to their customers?
The Doctor said:
Customer? That sounds like chillv paid a mod.
Yeah, I just asked him to lock it along with the other thread,
The Doctor said:
Customer? That sounds like chillv paid a mod.

Well, you know what I mean, you know?
chillv said:
Ganondorf said:
I don't mind clones that much. The problem is that they take up roster space that could be used for new, original movesets.

That being said, there are no clones in Brawl. Only semi-clones. In some cases, the semi-clone is better than the original. Like Toon Link.

Actually, there are clones in Brawl. Mario & Luigi, Fox & Falco & Wolf, Ness & Lucas, Ike & Marth are all clones. Also, Toon Link is a clone of link. If they have similar movesets, they are a clone.
Ness & Lucas are not clones... all they share are: specials (minus PK Flash/Freeze), Up Air, Forward Smash and Final Smash. And even then, most of those have notable differences aside from speed & power. They have a completely different playstyle which means they aren't clones or even semi-clones... =P

Wolf isn't really a clone; if anything he's the least clone-like if the 3.

Ike and Marth being clones... what? I rest my case because Smasher and Ganondorf summed it up correctly.
Wait, chillv, don't tell me you're getting this locked because you'll fear of receiving a warning from the mods, even if you clearly didn't (and no evidence predicts that you will so far) break any rules here
Baby Luigi said:
Wait, chillv, don't tell me you're getting this locked because you'll fear of receiving a warning from the mods, even if you clearly didn't (and no evidence predicts that you will so far) break any rules here

Know, I am not seeing any real discussion here or on the other thread besides people attacking me and trying to reverse things and make me look like I am wrong. That's why I barely even do any controversial subjects on anything, especially if I know people do the exact thing I just mentioned.
I was not attacking your posts. I simply gave my reasons to why I think why people don't like these characters and you asked why, so I furthered my reasons with my logic. I don't insult, since it's a stupid and awful way to deal with arguments and it makes anyone who does insult look like an ass.

Debating your points is absolutely not making you look like a fool. Labeling criticism as an attack to make you look stupid is not helping your case, because that's not our intentions.
No one is attacking you.

Criticism is a fact of life. Like BLOF said, you're taking the slightest debate as a personal attack. Not everyone is gonna agree with your posts.
Ganondorf said:
No one is attacking you.

Criticism is a fact of life. Like BLOF said, you're taking the slightest debate as a personal attack. Not everyone is gonna agree with your posts.


And my posts are coming from someone who tends to take too much things personally as well.

You can't live with criticism, you can't live without criticism.
Baby Luigi said:
You can't live with criticism, you can't live without criticism.

Not to be mean, but that is by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard from someone in my entire life.
chillv said:
Baby Luigi said:
You can't live with criticism, you can't live without criticism.

Not to be mean, but that is by far the stupidest thing I have ever heard from someone in my entire life.

No, it's not stupid at all. In fact, I'm worried about your mindset towards criticism. I don't like your attitude towards it. I think you fail to recognize the difference between valid criticism and just pure insults.

As Winston Churchill said, criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.

If you think criticism is stupid and unnecessary, then I think something is wrong with you.

I mean, seriously, what the ----? I said criticism is hard to live with but it's necessary if you want to improve. No one's perfect, and you stating that it's the stupidest thing you ever heard baffles me.


By the way, you're the one attacking my post now, just for your information.
Considering the direction that this is going, and that there's another thread about clone characters that isn't going downhill, it's time this one got locked.
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