

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Anybody else like them? I personally think they're kinda underrated. Feel free to post your opinions on them, and maybe even your list of favorites.
personally i hate their existence and i really hope they choke on acid, but that's just me.

Although that hate is really because nintendo has made their battles very similar and that bores me to tears.
I don't mind them being there, but I would like less generic bosses. But Ludwig should be in more games
My sister and I got two plushies of them and we love it

As bosses, the Koopalings can just die though
Princess Zae said:
personally i hate their existence and i really hope they choke on acid, but that's just me.

Although that hate is really because nintendo has made their battles very similar and that bores me to tears.

Same, and the frequency of their appearances has really bugged me. In NSMBW, they were every single darned boss and the fights were so horribly boring and got stale fast. They at watered that frequency down in the next two games, but the fights remain too similar, boring and they still got stale for me.
I like em for what they are. They have a certain style about them that just clicks for some reason. i even named one of my cats Iggy. XD

The actual battles could use work, but the bosses in the platformers have always been a bit on the easy side...
Princess Zae said:
personally i hate their existence and i really hope they choke on acid, but that's just me.

Although that hate is really because nintendo has made their battles very similar and that bores me to tears.
The Koopalings are among my least favorite characters in the series and I wouldn't miss them at all if they never appeared again.
Wolverine said:
koopa kid is the best bowser offspring
Smasher said:
The Koopalings are among my least favorite characters in the series and I wouldn't miss them at all if they never appeared again.

These 2 posts are totally true
What? They're contradicting each other.
Hypochondriac Mario said:
What? They're contradicting each other.

He's talking about Koopa Kid from Mario Party games

Why did that fly by me?
They're pretty whatever in the games, and I haven't watched the show so I can't really comment on that, but they're great for fanfiction - especially if you stick with the original "Bowser's kids" story (or say they're adopted and have it both ways), since then you get the family dynamics to read/write about.
Forget fanfictions, I like them in my headcanon as well.
I don't write fanfictions (I prefer drawing and, *guilty pleasure* acting out with my toys)
That's why I call it a guilty pleasure. I'm 19 years old about and I still do this -_-
I grew out of that a while ago.

But I do sneak downstairs and do it once in awhile...