Your Biggest Fandom


King Bowser
What would you say your biggest fandom is? What fandom means more to you than any other?

Personally, The Legend Of Zelda. It has the perfect combination of nostalgia, gameplay, and story that resonates with me. It's also probably the first "fandom" I've had, and I have fond memories of debating fan theories with my cousins over the phone.

Make lists, rant, etcetera

Edit: Time for a top five list!

1. The Legend of Zelda
2. Pokemon
3. School Rumble
4. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
5. Pikmin
Binding of Isaac, maybe. ~200 hours. For some reason SpiderMod hours don't count.

I probably have more hours put into PMTTYD though, and this is coming from my four surviving save files!

probably a big tie with code geass, fist of the north star, tales of franchise, shin megami tensei franchise, and fire emblem.
if pressed, i'd probably have to go with star wars because i've played most of the games and can quote the movies really well (and have watched them more than lord of the rings)

i've only looked a little into the EU though, but from what i hear that's a good thing because most star wars EU stuff is bad
my favorite franchise is LOTR and related works, though really i'm more involved with Mario
Dr. Javelin said:
but from what i hear that's a good thing because most star wars EU stuff is bad

What's EU?

Also, its interesting to see how diverse and numerous the fandoms are that people have here.
I've only seen part of season one and all of season two; it was pretty good, but it didn't really "hook" me in enough to watch more.
The series really picks up during season three, and then seasons four and especially five like seal the deal (and I love season 6 although a lot of people dislike it), and 7 and 8 and so far 9 are all pretty great.
If my heavily Mario-themed room and my absolute favorite character in all time that I draw so many times/mod him in games doesn't say something about which fanbase I'm most connected to, I don't know what else does