Stephen Colbert to replace Dave Letterman as the host of the Late Show


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This news is kinda recent and the press release hasn't come out yet I believe but here's a handful of news articles I grabbed just for legitimacy.

My favorite part is that Rush Limbaugh is pretty fucking pissy about it

My initial opinion is "ono The Colbert Report is ending ;~;" especially since the character is being retired, but Stephen Colbert is an excellent human and I have no doubt that he'd do really well on the Late Show. I'll be able to say how I truly feel after more information is released as to how everything is going down.
Interesting news. I guess this is incentive to watch Late Show.
I'm just wondering how many people realize that the Stephen Colbert character is a...character. That he's actually really liberal and is not a conservative caricature. I can't wait to see how many people who watch The Colbert Report because they legitimately agree with that character's world views will flip their absolute shit at seeing how he really is.
I'm sure that will provide just as much hilarity as Colbert himself.
i was going to make a topic for this but i was lazy so thank you
Morty said:
My initial opinion is "ono The Colbert Report is ending ;~;" especially since the character is being retired, but Stephen Colbert is an excellent human and I have no doubt that he'd do really well on the Late Show. I'll be able to say how I truly feel after more information is released as to how everything is going down.
Yeah, these are my thoughts too. I love Colbert as a character, so I'll be sad to see him go. But from what I've seen of him outside of the show, he's still hilarious, so I'm sure he'll do great.

Also, I no longer get Comedy Central, so it'll be nice to be able to watch him again now that he's on CBS.