Rank the Indiana Jones films


Yoshidude is here
Rank the Indiana Jones films from favourite to least favourite. Like Pirates of the Caribbean I love the franchise and I'm curious about what your rankings are.

My rankings

1 Temple of Doom
2 Last Crusade
3 Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
4 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1. Last Crusade
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark

(big gap)

3. Temple of Doom

i haven't watched crystal skull but from what i hear i didn't miss much
Dr. Javelin said:
1. Last Crusade
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark

(big gap)

3. Temple of Doom

i haven't watched crystal skull but from what i hear i didn't miss much

This, pretty much, although I saw Crystal Skull and would put a huge gap between Temple of Doom and it and put it at the bottom.
Last Crusade is my favorite out of them. Followed by Raiders. Though I liked Crystal Skull more then I did Temple of Doom. So I suppose for me it's

1. Last Crusade
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
and 4. Temple of Doom.
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Last Crusade
3. Temple of Doom

Crystal Skull didn't happen as far as I'm concerned.