Favorite chocolate bar/candy?

Reese's (any variety), Butterfingers, plain Hersey's bar, and Skittles (any variety).
Kit-Kat bars, Twix, Jelly Belly jelly beans, sour gummy worms, M&M's, Butterfinger, and spice drops.

Don't know how someone can have a specific favorite candy/chocolate bar.
cookies and cream hershey bars, suckers, and kit kats
Dany Lannister said:
cookies and cream hershey bars

This is my favorite chocolate bar. My favorite overall chocolate would be what comes in those Whitman's Samplers, and my favorite overall candy would be Starburst.
I also love Hershey's and Crunch. These are just the brands that I can think of right away, though.
Nestlé Crunch, Butterfingers, and Kit Kats. The holy trinity.
Crunch would ascend above the rest if they made a Dark Chocolate Crunch.
Lindt makes a dark chocolate bar infused with hot chili pepper. That sounds like it would be terrible but it's anything but. <3
Crunch is my absolute favorite
Anything made of dark chocolate > everything else

although crunch, kit kat, and almond joys would be my top picks for favorite non-dark chocolate bars
Magolor said:
Anything made of dark chocolate > everything else

Ugh I can't stand dark chocolate

I understand it if other people like it, and I understand it has all those health benefits but...gimme the tooth rotting sugar bomb any day of the week
Tough call: there's so many I love. I guess if I had to name only a couple, it'd be Toblerone and warm Kit Kats (cold, hard Kit Kats don't do it for me: it's gotta be melting in your fingers), plus the berry/purple-package Skittles in the non-chocolate category.

I also love mixing chocolates together, the best combo being a Kit Kat Chunky plus a Chunky Caramel Arrow bar (both melty, of course): take a bit out of each one and then chew them together and it's just heaven.
Magolor said:
Anything made of dark chocolate > everything else

although crunch, kit kat, and almond joys would be my top picks for favorite non-dark chocolate bars
Ewww. Cannot stand almond joys at all.
Starburst, Jelly Bellys and Bottle Caps. I also like really bitter dark chocolate.
Reese's Cups (only the regular and the small ones, the ratio of peanut butter and chocolate must be perfect and the Big Cups don't work right and Reese's Pieces have a horrid after taste), Snickers, Hershey's Cookies & Cream, that one ghiradelli milk chocolate and sea salt or something idk, Twix, Kit-Kat, Symphony, Raisinets, Dove Milk Chocolate, uhhhhh other stuff too, but those are the top I can think of immediately