Do you have any allergies?


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just some guy
Is anyone here allergic to anything?
I'm allergic to scented perfumes, lotions, sprays, etc. You know, like I have to use non-scented deoderant or I have trouble breathing and feel light-headed and like I'm going to pass out. Strangely, this doesn't apply to shampoo nor conditioner.
I'm allergic to plasters, I get rashes over the areas that they're applied to.
Dairy products, wheat, and egg whites.
Azusa Nakano said:
Duskull said:
I'm allergic to plasters, I get rashes over the areas that they're applied to.

So is there anything you use instead of them?
Generally cotton wool with some tape like thing they have at hospitals.
DragonFreak said:
Fun fact: I used to think I was allergic to elbow macaroni.
I used to think I was allergic to science in grade 2. There was always something in that class that made me sneeze.
I also used to think I was allergic to Waluigi. I was a strange child.
Dust makes me sneeze