DragonFreak Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly! Aug 5, 2014 #2 Definitely Cyndaqer, Typhlosion.
Vommack DID SOMEBODY SAY "SUE"?! Aug 5, 2014 #4 And so, 3D Player's nonsensical crusade to convince people that Sceptile has a place in Smash 4 continues evermore. Fight on, 3D Player. For everlasting Sceptile.
And so, 3D Player's nonsensical crusade to convince people that Sceptile has a place in Smash 4 continues evermore. Fight on, 3D Player. For everlasting Sceptile.
G Gumball Machine Celestial Guide Aug 5, 2014 #5 Kanto: Blastoise Johto: Feraligatr Hoenn: Swampert Sinnoh: Infernape Unova: Samurott Kalos: Greninja
PrincessPeach1989 Let's Plays aren't just for boys Aug 5, 2014 #6 Kanto:Charizard Johto: Meganium Hoenn:Blaziken Sinnoh: Infernape Unova: Serperior Kalos: Greninja
NotABannableOffense My heart belongs to another. Banned User Aug 5, 2014 #9 One of these Pokémon is uber tier. The others are not. You are objectively wrong.
GalacticPetey Donkey Kong Aug 5, 2014 #10 Oh man, I don't know. Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Typhlosion Sceptile Blaziken Swampert Torterra Greninja These guys are cool.
Oh man, I don't know. Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Typhlosion Sceptile Blaziken Swampert Torterra Greninja These guys are cool.
Cirdec Celestial Guide Aug 5, 2014 #11 Feraligatr Empoleon Serperior (when his hidden ability will be released...) Delphox
Mariorules25 Hyaahhh Aug 5, 2014 #12 Like Charizard but my first was Infernape(Chimchar) so i like him aswell, also Greninja is pretty sweet
Like Charizard but my first was Infernape(Chimchar) so i like him aswell, also Greninja is pretty sweet
Xiahou Ba If I know my father....he'd be smiling! Wiki Administrator Poll Committee Pronouns She/her MarioWiki Ray Trace Aug 5, 2014 #13 Blaziken I like the most. Second is Torterra
The Golden Yoshi Yes. Aug 6, 2014 Thread starter #14 kanto:Charizard johto: Typhlosion hoenn:Swampert sinnoh: Empoleon unova: Serperior kalos: Greninja