Imgur image limit


So, in the middle of my last session of my current LP, it appears that I hit the 225-image Imgur limit, and that all the old images would no longer be visible. None of my images seem to be broken so far, but just to be safe, I figured I'd ask: Will linking to images older than the most recent 225 still work?
Yeah linking to images older than most recent 225 will be fine, because they're not deleted, they're just hidden from within the account.
In addition, you can hit the 'X' on images you don't actively need and either permanently 'Hide' them which will allow the links to remain functional but no longer able to be found within your account, or just straight up 'Delete' them forever, which will render the links inactive. Both options will free up some space.
Yeah, otherwise people like me would upload literally everything and use their site as a free backup service.