[Not a Game] Which Mafia Alignment do you have more fun as?

Which one?

  • Town is more fun

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Mafia is more fun

    Votes: 12 57.1%
  • Both are equally fun

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • I do not play Mafia

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
Mafia. Being innocent sucks. Third parties are ok depending on what they are.
Neither. I have to say, the best times I've had playing mafia were usually as a third(or fourth) faction. Except for when I got a kill and went on a huge rampage, but that's a story for another time.
I prefer being innocent.
The nature of not knowing who everyone is, scanning their clues to see if they're one of you... It's mysterious and fun.

but then again being mafia is awesome as well
Definitely enjoy being scum, but like being third party too.
The Innocent alignment.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of taking down a Mafioso with based reasoning, especially in more active games.

That said, I still love deceiving the masses in Mafia games.
being innocent is fun if you're the cop or some other powerful role, but otherwise there's no experience like scheming with your scumbuddies
No-Face said:
being innocent is fun if you're the cop or some other powerful role, but otherwise there's no experience like scheming with your scumbuddies

Personally, I hate being the cop. It always feels empty to me because it's so effortless to do good with it.
Mafia for sure.
I prefer being innocent.
Lumastar said:
I haven't played much, but I have enjoyed my time as both.

Wait! Have you even played a mafia game before, 3D Player?
I've played Mafia games on another site before. That site stopped hosting Mafia games on May 7th 2014. I tended to get Mafia roles for whatever reason like 3 out of 4 games and I had more fun with town roles. I might eventually try to get into the Mafia games on this site.
Smasher said:
I prefer being innocent.

Though adding on to that I like being an independent more than either innocent or mafia.
Kart Player 2008 said:
Lumastar said:
I haven't played much, but I have enjoyed my time as both.

Wait! Have you even played a mafia game before, 3D Player?
I've played Mafia games on another site before. That site stopped hosting Mafia games on May 7th 2014. I tended to get Mafia roles for whatever reason like 3 out of 4 games and I had more fun with town roles. I might eventually try to get into the Mafia games on this site.
The Mafia games here are extremely fun. You should try one sometime.
Hmmm....tough decision.

As Innocent, it provides a challenge. You really get to venture with who you can trust, how to analyze other players, and most importantly how to use your roles to their full value in order to stop the Mafia. I am (sorry to brag) really good at figuring out awesome combos with roles (as showed in games such as Sailor Moon Mafia). The only problem I have is that usually I'm a big target due to my status on this place, which gets me out early in the game a lot. It also doesn't help that I tend to be really lucky in certain games (like that one MG1 game where I managed to lynch the last two Innocents on randomvotes) to losing the game for the Innocents ('Shroom Mafia for example).

As Mafia, I tend to play a rather...emotionless game. I do what I need to in order to win. I tend to do really great as Mafia for that. I mean, just look at Magnificent Mafia 2; I managed to win that game, though a lot of emotions happened in the end. I think that I make it further in the game being Mafia since I have a good skill (sorry to brag) at acting very Innocent in order to fool people to believing I am Innocent. Doesn't work all the time, but after the countless games I've been in, I learned to get pretty good at it. The only time it was annoying to be Mafia for me was when the mass Roleclaiming/Rolefishing fiasco went down, since you couldn't even enjoy playing the game when certain people were like threatening you for your role.

As for Independents/Third Party; I don't mind them, but I rarely play as them. When I'm Independent, usually I just say that aloud so that I can let everyone know that I am so I can survive for awhile. As for Third Party, I basically try to act Mafia, though I try to get the Mafia out when I can while still mislynching. I mean, you want both out, but you want to make sure that you look scummy enough to not be nightkill and not too scummy to where you will be the next lynch target.

My favorite alignment to play as is probably Yakuza'd (which is basically going from Innocent to Mafia). I know it's not in the poll, or if it really counts, but I count it. You get to really shake and play both sides of the game, and all the information you gained from your fellow Innocents just make it worthwhile. You get to have both luxuries of Innocent and Mafia as I said above (as you play as both alignments at some point in that game). It also might be the fact that the 3 out of the 4 times I was Yakuza'd I made it to the end and (sorry to brag) was a strong reason the Mafia won that game.