Variety in Mario games


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
Continued from the Mario & Luigi thread. What would you like changed in Mario games so they have more variety? I think a new story and villain once in a while would be nice.
Gameplay and locations. Thats pretty much the jist of it. But barring the NSMB series the series is generally pretty good with keeping things varied.
Right now I think the main thing in the 3D games that has variety is the setting. And that will change when we inevitably get Mario 3D Bros., Mario 3D Adventure and New Super Mario 3D Land/World.
I'd just like creative new themes instead of the same boring generic grass, desert, crap, barf, vomit, *other types of excretion* then lava.
Baby Luigi said:
I'd just like creative new themes instead of the same boring generic grass, desert, crap, barf, vomit, *other types of excretion* then lava.
This. At least 3D World had a few unique themes like the circus one, but they still should have some more unique themes.
Maᴙio said:
Nysic said:
They have good variety already, or at least the 3D Platformers do
Not really.

The 3D games have plenty of variety, 64 doesn't play like sunshine, which doesn't play like Galaxy, which doesn't play like 3D World and all that.

There are obvious similarities but the actual defining gameplay is much different.

Paper Mario said:
Baby Luigi said:
I'd just like creative new themes instead of the same boring generic grass, desert, crap, barf, vomit, *other types of excretion* then lava.
This. At least 3D World had a few unique themes like the circus one, but they still should have some more unique themes.

3D World's themes were largely irrelevant to the actual levels themselves.
Mcmadness said:
Maᴙio said:
Nysic said:
They have good variety already, or at least the 3D Platformers do
Not really.

The 3D games have plenty of variety, 64 doesn't play like sunshine, which doesn't play like Galaxy, which doesn't play like 3D World and all that.

There are obvious similarities but the actual defining gameplay is much different.

Paper Mario said:
Baby Luigi said:
I'd just like creative new themes instead of the same boring generic grass, desert, crap, barf, vomit, *other types of excretion* then lava.
This. At least 3D World had a few unique themes like the circus one, but they still should have some more unique themes.

3D World's themes were largely irrelevant to the actual levels themselves.

funny how you left out Galaxy 2 on that list

that game is lame
While I personally like Galaxy 2, its the only of 2 direct sequels the 3D Mario games have so the similarities don't bother me.
Mcmadness said:
While I personally like Galaxy 2, its the only of 2 direct sequels the 3D Mario games have so the similarities don't bother me.
SMB2 and SMB3 both heavily deviated from their prequels. What's Galaxy 2's excuse?
GalacticPetey said:
Mcmadness said:
While I personally like Galaxy 2, its the only of 2 direct sequels the 3D Mario games have so the similarities don't bother me.
SMB2 and SMB3 both heavily deviated from their prequels. What's Galaxy 2's excuse?

That's why the "direct sequel" argument is a heavily weak one
GalacticPetey said:
Mcmadness said:
While I personally like Galaxy 2, its the only of 2 direct sequels the 3D Mario games have so the similarities don't bother me.
SMB2 and SMB3 both heavily deviated from their prequels. What's Galaxy 2's excuse?

Doesn't have one, it just doesn't bother me. Thats why people who don't like it I have no problem with.
Paper Mario said:
Galaxy was one of the most phenomenal main Mario games ever made so it would make sense to make a sequel which didn't change much
So was the original SMB. Hell, it revolutionized the gaming industry.
Paper Mario said:
Glowsquid said:
Define "variety".
I suppose it depends on the person, but for me variety means having a different setting, story, typically villains and other characters besides the protagonists, etc

Sometimes ftg, I wonder if you're not simply playing the wrong series, You enjoy elaborate plots and large, rotating casts? Cool! But I honestly find your continued (and vocal!) resentment at the Mario's series plot and casting decision more than a little peliculiar considering the main series, by far and large, has never been particular heavy on the stuff you seem to enjoy. Take this old, but still relevant, statement by Miyamoto:

a story is not a game

At Nintendo we get many letters with stories and designs from kids asking us to make such and such a game. However, most of them are just imitating Mario or Dragon Quest, and only the stories are different.

But thinking up a story and setting is not the main part of game design. If you only change the surface appearance, you really haven’t changed anything.

Its often said that the heart of a game is its story, but that’s not the case. The story comes only after the core of the game system is completed. Then the characters come into focus and the world starts to manifest.

“Two siblings separated at birth are reunited…” I can’t call that a game design. (laughs) There is no backstory to Mario, after all.

On the other hand, if someone came to me with a proposal for a new system like that of the game Sim City, that would probably catch my attention. Without that, “game design” is just a game of make-believe. I don’t mean to speak negatively about using your imagination like that, of course, but there’s no need for young aspiring designers to do that. What’s important is starting from the fundamentals.

Fact is, the way you view How Mario Should Be is not simply at odd, but purely incompatible, with how Mario's creators view and have alway viewed the series. Mario doesn't look like the way he does because Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to make a game about a ventripotent working-class guy, but simply because Mario is what the arcade board's limitation allowed him to design as a viable player avatar for his game concept. Mario Galaxy didn't came about because the dev team wanted to make Mario In Space, but because they wanted to make a 3D game where you walk on spherical shapes and they found that space was the best way to frame that concept, and so on. By contrast, your pitch for a Dream Mario Game is "Mario fight various old baddies", with little elaboration on how the Moving My Dude on the screen action is going to be more enjoyable.

There are countless work of fictions with good (or at the very least, elaborate) narrative. Why fixate on Mario?
Mcmadness said:
The 3D games have plenty of variety, 64 doesn't play like sunshine, which doesn't play like Galaxy, which doesn't play like 3D World and all that.

There are obvious similarities but the actual defining gameplay is much different.
Eh, the first few are creative, but sometime after Galaxy 2, it feels safe and doesn't feel as passionate anymore.
Glowsquid said:
There are countless work of fictions with good (or at the very least, elaborate) narrative. Why fixate on Mario?

Sometimes, I wonder how much happier Fawfulthegreat would be if he played other games in other series
I like Mario's gameplay the most, which is why I play it. Gameplay does matter a lot to me. I don't talk about it much because it's already good, don't fix what isn't broken. Most RPGs don't appeal to me because they don't have the same type of fun, interactive gameplay the Mario ones do. Many of them are also too realistic for someone like me who prefers cartoony, colorful games. I've also tried other platformers, which also didn't appeal to me as much as Mario.

Take Sonic for instance. I played Sonic Adventure 2 on the Gamecube and it was OK but not enough to get me into the series. Same for Sonic 06. As far as RPGs are concerned most are too, well... anime for me. Never was into that style of character, and yes I did try a Final Fantasy game on the DS one time, couldn't get into it at all. I used to play SpongeBob games as a child but those don't appeal to me any more except for nostalgia, and the new spongebob games I've played kinda suck compared to the old ones.

Mario is really the only series that has dragged me in to the point of being a fanatic, and the RPGs showed me that I enjoy good, detailed stories. Most RPGs just don't have the same colorful characters I like, and frankly I kinda miss Mario, Luigi, Bowser, etc when I play other franchises.
I think one of the main reasons Mario games don't have plots is because lots of kids play them and they have terrible attention spans so they gotta keep things going quickly to keep children engrossed.

There are exceptions to that of course but most kids are generally like that.
Mcmadness said:
I think one of the main reasons Mario games don't have plots is because lots of kids play them and they have terrible attention spans so they gotta keep things going quickly to keep children engrossed.

There are exceptions to that of course but most kids are generally like that.
I think you're just stereotyping kids. Kids love the Legend of Zelda too.

Also, Fawful, the great 65, maybe you should try more games. There is more to triple A titles and big name franchises.
Paper Mario said:
I like Mario's gameplay the most, which is why I play it. Gameplay does matter a lot to me. I don't talk about it much because it's already good, don't fix what isn't broken. Most RPGs don't appeal to me because they don't have the same type of fun, interactive gameplay the Mario ones do. Many of them are also too realistic for someone like me who prefers cartoony, colorful games. I've also tried other platformers, which also didn't appeal to me as much as Mario.

you prefer cartoony, colorful games? That's totally fine for you! There's a ton of games that fall under there. I don't know much but Mario isn't the only series you would enjoy. Have you tried playing Kirby, Rayman, Donkey Kong, etc.? They're all an excellent, colorful platforming series. You haven't specified which but fine.

Also, try looking beyond the triple A big budget titles, you should try indie games. There's a ton of indie games out there that are bright, colorful, and have great gameplay.

Paper Mario said:
Take Sonic for instance. I played Sonic Adventure 2 on the Gamecube and it was OK but not enough to get me into the series. Same for Sonic 06. As far as RPGs are concerned most are too, well... anime for me. Never was into that style of character, and yes I did try a Final Fantasy game on the DS one time, couldn't get into it at all. I used to play SpongeBob games as a child but those don't appeal to me any more except for nostalgia, and the new spongebob games I've played kinda suck compared to the old ones.

There's a ton of RPGs out there that aren't anime style and have a ton more of interactivity and smart, witty dialouge like that of the Mario games. I don't know which but they are out there. Mario shouldn't be the only series that appeals to you.

Paper Mario said:
Mario is really the only series that has dragged me in to the point of being a fanatic, and the RPGs showed me that I enjoy good, detailed stories. Most RPGs just don't have the same colorful characters I like, and frankly I kinda miss Mario, Luigi, Bowser, etc when I play other franchises.

Same with us. My twin and I are total Mario fanatics, to the point where we enjoy modding other games to have a Mario look to them (ie Left 4 Dead 2 being Mario-oriented). But that doesn't mean we don't enjoy other games out of Mario, despite missing the said characters. We share much similarities with you, but our scope is a bit more broad because we have played and enjoyed more games than you.