Post with a twist.

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Here are the rules: Post whatever crap you want with a twist that changes whenever I announce a new one in bold.
New twist: All verbs are replaced with *bleep*
Mah boi, his peace is what all true warriors *bleep* FOR!
I *bleep* like this thread is weird.
While I'm here, I might as well *bleep* a "Continue The Story" . Care to *bleep* it?
King: Zelda, Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Sonic.exe! I'm going to Gamelon to *bleep* him.
Zelda: But Father, what if something happens to you?
King: I'll take he Triforce of :dk2: to *bleep* me! If you don't *bleep* me in a month, *bleep* Link!
And so it *bleep*s...
BTW, to *bleep* the secret code, *bleep* the Zelda Wand of Gamelon cutscenes.
This rule is starting to get annoying...
New rule: you have to use at least 1 smiley when you post.
Honoka Kousaka said:
What do you mean?
I forgot to say, when I announce a new rule, the last one doesn't apply.
King Harkinian said:
I forgot to say, when I announce a new rule, the last one doesn't apply. :)
Pfft. Rules. I am above your rules, silly little children. :posh:
One smiley :) is not :D enough for ;) my tastes ;D.
King Harkinian said:
While I'm here, I might as well start a "Continue The Story" . Care to continue it?
King: Zelda, Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Sonic.exe! I'm going to Gamelon to aid him.
Zelda: But Father, what if something happens to you?
King: I'll take he Triforce of :dk2: to protect me! If you don't hear from me in a month, send Link!
And so it begins...
Fixed. So, how about it?