Smash 4 Character Speculation is Officially Over (Spoilers, obviously)


Star Spirit
We have our full roster.


Every character from the leak turned out to be the full roster


This message appears to have been translated to say "The True All-Star Mode has been unlocked! Defeat all fighters!"

So this is the final in-game roster (I say in-game just in case DLC turns out to add more characters)

If I can, I have many condolences for those who wanted so heavily some of the most major popular characters like Ridley or Mewtwo or for the cuts like Ice Climbers. But as I said in another thread, this being the worst case scenario is not entirely a bad thing. I'm actually relieved we can finally put this to rest even if it turned out there were no more characters then there were in the leak after all.
Pic is broken.

There was an alleged full roster picture but it lacked the Mii Fighters, who do actually show up on the character select screen.
GalacticPetey said:
Pic is broken.

There was an alleged full roster picture but it lacked the Mii Fighters, who do actually show up on the character select screen.

They show up when you have customization on and also in Classic and All-Star. I assume this is a pic of the roster without customized moves on. The same way it was in the leak.
tfw no Zelda newcomer

but hey Robin, Lucina, BJ, and DHD are still in so ultimately i'm happy

also DLC characters might still happen
Bowshygul said:
tfw no Zelda newcomer

but hey Robin, Lucina, BJ, and DHD are still in so ultimately i'm happy

also DLC characters might still happen

Yeah if Character DLC is confirmed, then Character Speculation may never truly end. But until it is confirmed. It is over.
i hate to be That Guy but i'll believe it when gema reaches rob
its over, it just said he has the full roster
Hackmon said:
If only the Koopalings didn't exist and take spots like they did in MK8 like Ice Climbers and Wofl.
They're costumes. In fact, no one takes anyone else's spot.

But stuff like the inclusion of Dark Pit and the lack of any of the big three is just stupid for what Sakurai called "the best character game"
...well, R.O.B.'s final smash is definitely different



no ridley


i win

i never believed in him

out of 49 characters, there's only maybe 5 that i actually intend to play as. i find it kinda disappointing, but whatever, my favorite characters are in

duck hunt dog is still stupid though
well i guess that will shut up the creepily obsessive ridley fans


or not