Someone made a DKC fangame using the Doom engine


Shine Sprite
Retired Forum Mod
Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
And it's not a bog-standard wad that replaces the zombie sprite with Kremlings or something, but rather a fully functional platformer using DKC sprites, music and physics. Behold:

While the level design and music transitions are a little rough (though then again, it's a demo release), it is a mightily impressive effort and looks to be a fun little game on its own. Can be dl/ed at if you want to give it a whirl.

(first seen on dkvine)
what is this? 3d backgrounds? in donkey kong country?

surely this must be the work of witchcraft
Wow that's very impressive how a shooting game can be turned into a DKC platformer like that. Like the Cacodemon cameo lol.
Wow, that's incredible and actually kind of interested. I didn't know you can make a platformer from an FPS engine.
Dam level graphics. I'm digging it. I liked some of the combinations of level layouts in later levels from all there of the original DKC games.