Miiverse 3DS exploit found in Mario & Luigi Dream Team


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
Lets you post any image you want as a "screenshot"


edit: That post was removed and my account was banned :(

It was just a picture of a bunch of Mario characters, how is that off topic?
Maybe because Alphadream don't want Intelligent system sprites on their community. ;D

Someone should post one with the title screen, but a very subtle difference. (Like a Ridley silhouette in the background).
lol miiverse "moderators"

are they seriously, like, actively trying to get people to hate them
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that the decicion to delete these pictures is reasonable from a moderation perspective. Not necessarily the banning (unless you've broken their rules before), but deleting the images is understandable.

That Miiverse group is about Mario&Luigi, not about random screenshots. What you have to realize is that this exploit can be abused in several ways to be detrimental to that goal. Like, you can upload ANY image, including things like porn, gore, controversial subject matter, etc.

In order to prevent that, precautions have to be taken and the rules must be amended to address this issue. But to decide which images should be deleted, the line must be drawn somewhere. If you want to allow SOME exploit images, you must have clear guidelines on which images are allowed and which aren't, otherwise you risk being partial and unfair.

So what if the drawn line was just "Mario-related images stay, everything else gets deleted"? What if I uploaded an unrelated image and just shooped a mario head in the background? People are smart and some of them get really creative when trying to dodge rules.

Ninelevendo said:
Someone should post one with the title screen, but a very subtle difference. (Like a Ridley silhouette in the background).

Case in point.

So in order to properly enforce these guidelines, they would have to assign actual people to review each and every image that gets submitted, THOROUGHLY check them against the guidelines, and see if they hold up. Then the conclusions drawn from it have to be discussed to ensure as little bias as possible. This would waste time, manpower, and therefore money. Money that could be invested somewhere else.

So the logical and efficient solution is to keep that money and just delete everything that is not a screenshot from the game and be done with it. That way you can put your resources into something else. Like obsessing over censoring Project M
Gabumon said:
Ninelevendo said:
Someone should post one with the title screen, but a very subtle difference. (Like a Ridley silhouette in the background).

Case in point.

So in order to properly enforce these guidelines, they would have to assign actual people to review each and every image that gets submitted, THOROUGHLY check them against the guidelines, and see if they hold up. Then the conclusions drawn from it have to be discussed to ensure as little bias as possible.
Actually screenshots uploaded to Miiverse through legal 3DS means contain specialized metadata that very few people know about (I'm one of those few, funnily), which is the easiest way to detect 'custom' screenshots, even software-wise. Human interaction is not needed for that, unless you fake that metadata good enough.

But that aside, how does this exploit work? (Note I don't have MLDT, I'm just curious)
I think you completely misunderstood my point.

I was saying that if a custom policy was made that allowed SOME of the exploit images (i.e. non-M&L screenshots and edited screenshots) to stay up as long as they are Mario related, you would need actual people to review them to check if they really are Mario related or not. Metadata doesn't count how many Mario characters are in the image, or whether they are the focus of it, or anything like that. Nor does it check for indecent or controversial content. Eyes and brains are necessary to determine such subjective qualities.

Your point actually strengthens my argument, because if they decide to just nix any non-screenshots, an automated system can just check the metadata and explode any invalid images, which would be much less cost-intensive than reviewing every custom image independently and deciding whether it should stay or go.
Lakituthequick said:
contain specialized metadata that very few people know about (I'm one of those few, funnily)


Images contain metadata?? It's amazing how you're one of few people to know that!! Wow you're so smart !!! It's as if...not a single photographer knows about how images work and about metadata and how it can function and that....you're one of the only people to have looked at that part on the image pages of every wiki on the internet! It's amazing how almost no one else would think that a giant company like Nintendo trying to make a vague social network thing focusing around images would just.....use metadata !!!!!! So COOL!!
Lakituthequick said:
But that aside, how does this exploit work? (Note I don't have MLDT, I'm just curious)
You must have the non-updated version of Dream Team (I had to switch to my 2DS for this as I have the update on all the other 3DS systems)

Go to where the image you want is, then display it on the top screen. Go to the home menu and then switch to Dream Team. While the 3DS logo appears, spam the home button until it takes you back to the home screen. Then go back into the game, immediately spam the home button again, and your image should appear on screen as the game pauses and goes to the home menu.

Proceed to miiverse, upload shot.
Gabumon said:
I think you completely misunderstood my point.

I was saying that if a custom policy was made that allowed SOME of the exploit images (i.e. non-M&L screenshots and edited screenshots) to stay up as long as they are Mario related, you would need actual people to review them to check if they really are Mario related or not. Metadata doesn't count how many Mario characters are in the image, or whether they are the focus of it, or anything like that. Nor does it check for indecent or controversial content. Eyes and brains are necessary to determine such subjective qualities.

Your point actually strengthens my argument, because if they decide to just nix any non-screenshots, an automated system can just check the metadata and explode any invalid images, which would be much less cost-intensive than reviewing every custom image independently and deciding whether it should stay or go.
And Nintendo want to promote exploited pics that can be used to do other things because? Making them Mario doesn't make it any less of a glitch(?).
Ninelevendo said:
Gabumon said:
I think you completely misunderstood my point.

I was saying that if a custom policy was made that allowed SOME of the exploit images (i.e. non-M&L screenshots and edited screenshots) to stay up as long as they are Mario related, you would need actual people to review them to check if they really are Mario related or not. Metadata doesn't count how many Mario characters are in the image, or whether they are the focus of it, or anything like that. Nor does it check for indecent or controversial content. Eyes and brains are necessary to determine such subjective qualities.

Your point actually strengthens my argument, because if they decide to just nix any non-screenshots, an automated system can just check the metadata and explode any invalid images, which would be much less cost-intensive than reviewing every custom image independently and deciding whether it should stay or go.
And Nintendo want to promote exploited pics that can be used to do other things because? Making them Mario doesn't make it any less of a glitch(?).

They wouldn't, that's the point. It's an explanation why this would be absurd.

People in this thread were complaining about exploit images being taken down even though that is a perfectly reasonable course of action. So I gave them a scenario where some of the images would be allowed to stay to showcase how time-wasting that would be for the administration of Miiverse.

Honestly, it is not that hard to understand.
I think this image can add to what Edo has said.



Like, jokes aside, the moderators on Miiverse have very valid reasoning to remove pictures if they do not go in hand with the board that you are posting into.
I think I misread your post. Sure, it's logical for them to take it down. But it's really fun annoying them.

Do you think that we should load up a pic of the title screen from Miiverse, then save and do that image as the pic? I wonder if Lakituthequick's theory is correct.
Morty said:
Lakituthequick said:
contain specialized metadata that very few people know about (I'm one of those few, funnily)


Images contain metadata?? It's amazing how you're one of few people to know that!! Wow you're so smart !!! It's as if...not a single photographer knows about how images work and about metadata and how it can function and that....you're one of the only people to have looked at that part on the image pages of every wiki on the internet! It's amazing how almost no one else would think that a giant company like Nintendo trying to make a vague social network thing focusing around images would just.....use metadata !!!!!! So COOL!!
You clearly missed my usage of the word "specialized". Everyone knows about metadata, I'm talking about specialized metadata. :)


Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS said:
Go to where the image you want is, then display it on the top screen. Go to the home menu and then switch to Dream Team. While the 3DS logo appears, spam the home button until it takes you back to the home screen. Then go back into the game, immediately spam the home button again, and your image should appear on screen as the game pauses and goes to the home menu.

Proceed to miiverse, upload shot.
If it works this way, chances are that the exploit also add the correct Dream Team metadata to the image, simply because that software is running that instant.
Ninelevendo said:
But it's really fun annoying them.

that's rather hateful, considering they work hard to keep the site running

i'm sure the mods and wiki staff think it's "really fun" when people vandalize the wiki
Lakituthequick said:
You clearly missed my usage of the word "specialized". Everyone knows about metadata, I'm talking about specialized metadata. :)

Nah bro I totally saw it. Trust me, I might not have the exact special knowledge you have on exactly how this metadata functions but I can at least read. I'm pretty damn certain that regardless of how unique and special the Nintendo metadata is, it still functions like metadata.
Morty said:
Lakituthequick said:
You clearly missed my usage of the word "specialized". Everyone knows about metadata, I'm talking about specialized metadata. :)
Nah bro I totally saw it. Trust me, I might not have the exact special knowledge you have on exactly how this metadata functions but I can at least read. I'm pretty dang certain that regardless of how unique and special the Nintendo metadata is, it still functions like metadata.
You're not getting it man, only special people understand special metadata.
Doctor Walter Bishop said:
Ninelevendo said:
But it's really fun annoying them.

that's rather hateful, considering they work hard to keep the site running

i'm sure the mods and wiki staff think it's "really fun" when people vandalize the wiki
Of course the mods don't. The vandals do. And I wouldn't call a social gaming hub a very good comparison to a large and popular wiki.

Probably did come off as a bit hateful, but I meant it in a playful way. Don't take it literally.
Sorry folks but they way the miiverse mods say that project m is a "criminal activity" just FLIPS me out so I get emotionally riled up. And when I get emotionally riled up my emotions suppress logic.

Edo is right.... I'm sure that's an understandable reason to take silly crap down.
I had been wondering why my "Fawful" account was banned when it was my "Dimentio" account that posted the pictures...

And I realized it was probably because I used the Fawful account to explain to someone how to do the glitch.