What new stages do you want to see in the Wii U version?


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
Besides obviously the ones already confirmed.

I want the Paper Mario stage from the 3DS version to have a Wii U counterpart that focuses on Paper Mario 64 and Super Paper Mario. Even though it would have made more sense on 3DS, I would also like a Mario & Luigi stage.

I also think that if 3D Land can get a 3DS stage 3D World should get a Wii U stage, based on Bowser Land. Which would also give Bowser proper stage representation.
any n64 smash bros stage that isn't used yet

preferably hyrule castle and mushroom kingdom
Baby Luigi said:
any n64 smash bros stage that isn't used yet

preferably hyrule castle and mushroom kingdom
This is for new stages.

And yes, I think DK deserves a new stage, despite me knowing too little of the series to say which.
Something from Metroid Prime 2 or 3 would be cool but I don't think that has much of a chance. Sanctuary Fortress or Skytown, Elysia would've been amazing.
can we get like a new yoshi stage that is actually based off yoshi's island instead of getting yet another yoshi's story stage

i liked yoshi's island in brawl, they better keep that up
Pyro said:
I'd like an actual Kirby stage.

Why did they return the Halberd and that dismal sky?

Just imagine the Halberd getting that ocean sunset sky from Kirby: Superstar... *.*
Onion Ocean from Kirby's Return to Dreamland, if only for the awesome music there.
If they bring a N64 stage like Hyrule Castle, I would love for them to really redo it as in making it look really sharp. Kind of like how they did the retro tracks in MK8 and really changed the look.
No more Mario stages, please. We already have two, we don't need a repeat of the abysmal 3DS stage select. Only exception would be a Mario and Luigi stage. Unfortunately, I already hear Rainbow Cruise rearing its ugly head......

On subject, unfortunately they decided to use the bullshit "dull, lifeless stage with lava/acid" for Metroid representation for like the fifth time, but I'd like to see Torvus Bog or Sanctuary Fortress from Prime 2 as a stage before I die. Hell, anything from Metroid that isn't a goddamn acid, lava, or dark/dingy place would be great. Oh well, there's always Smash 5.............until they decide to use Bryyo: Fire Side for the new stage.

An actual new Kirby stage would be great. My personal preference would be a Kirby 64 stage that shuffles through the different planets from Pop Star all the way to Dark Star and maybe having O2 as a boss. I wouldn't mind an Epic Yarn stage based on the Sweets World or Future World or a Factory or Another Dimension stage from RTDL. If there is seriously no new Kirby stage, I'm going to lose serious hype.

Porting over Magicant from the 3DS version would be ideal since I highly doubt they're going to make an EarthBound/Mother 3 stage exclusively on the Wii U and it'd be better than shitting out Onett for the second time and calling it day (even though I like that stage). Probably too busy making a second KI:U stage for Wii U. If they seriously do make a new Mother stage, I would be absolutely shocked, to say the least. Moonside, Thunder Tower, or Saturn Valley would be my top three choices.

A NES-themed stage that cycles through different NES games like Duck Hunt, Gyromite, and other small titles that otherwise wouldn't get repped would be a nice stage for ROB and Duck Hunt Dog. Flat Zone 3 is almost a guarantee since FZ2 was shat out on the 3DS.
Kellam said:
An actual new Kirby stage would be great. My personal preference would be a Kirby 64 stage that shuffles through the different planets from Pop Star all the way to Dark Star and maybe having O2 as a boss. I wouldn't mind an Epic Yarn stage based on the Sweets World or Future World or a Factory or Another Dimension stage from RTDL. If there is seriously no new Kirby stage, I'm going to lose serious hype.
I'd like that.

On a less realistic note, I'd love a second Mega Man stage that shuffles through various Robot Master stages.
The volcano from DKCR would be a great to solely for it's intense atmosphere.
Kellam said:
On subject, unfortunately they decided to use the bull*bleep* "dull, lifeless stage with lava/acid" for Metroid representation for like the fifth time, but I'd like to see Torvus Bog or Sanctuary Fortress from Prime 2 as a stage before I die. Hell, anything from Metroid that isn't a goddang acid, lava, or dark/dingy place would be great. Oh well, there's always Smash 5.............until they decide to use Bryyo: Fire Side for the new stage.

I'd support Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime solely for the music (and I love the setting too)
Kellam said:
Porting over Magicant from the 3DS version would be ideal since I highly doubt they're going to make an EarthBound/Mother 3 stage exclusively on the Wii U and it'd be better than shitting out Onett for the second time and calling it day (even though I like that stage). Probably too busy making a second KI:U stage for Wii U. If they seriously do make a new Mother stage, I would be absolutely shocked, to say the least. Moonside, Thunder Tower, or Saturn Valley would be my top three choices.

if they do bring back magicant, i'd be cool if they used the earthbound design
saffron city or hyrule castle from 64
i know theyre not "new", but they havent been in any of the smash's other than 64 so technically they are new

another kirby, metroid, maybe the place in duck hunt would be neat, and if they really do port over magicant that would be awesome
I would rather them bring back Hyrule Castle from N64 but update it. Like the Fire Emblem stages, they shouldn't be designd off one specific version of the castle but have designs based off all or some of the different versions. But still have the same layout as the N64 version.
Ok, guys.

This topic is about new stages you want.

New stages.



This is for new stages.

Not old stages.

Magikrazy said:
Ok, guys.

This topic is about new stages you want.

New stages.



This is for new stages.

Not old stages.

New retro stages fit in that category.
They are new ports... I guess.
You're asking for Hyrule Castle with updated graphics

you know you can paint a bag of chickpeas blue but its still a bag of chickpeas
Magikrazy said:
You're asking for Hyrule Castle with updated graphics

you know you can paint a bag of chickpeas blue but its still a bag of chickpeas
I like to say, it's more like dusting off the cobwebs off an old painting, but it's still the same painting.