How do you make a sig quote?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Enough said. I know how to quote a post, but I don't know how to carry it into my sig.
OK, but here's another question (that I admit is stupid, but work with me). What touching technique do I have to use to copy text?
hold shift and move your cursor over the text

hit ctrl-c (command-c if you're using a mac)

go to your profile and use ctrl-v to paste it into your sig
Anna said:
hold shift and move your cursor over the text

hit ctrl-c (command-c if you're using a mac)

go to your profile and use ctrl-v to paste it into your sig
I believe he means he's using a phone/tablet.
It's still possible to copy using an Apple device, by taping your figure on a word, then dragging the control points across the quote you want and then hit copy. You can simply paste by putting your figure into the sigbox and hitting past.

If your using Android, well I can't help you i'm afraid.
On Android, you tap "Quote" as usual, then you long-tap somewhere on the contents of the textfield. On the top of the screen will appear a few buttons, one of them "Select all". Tap that and then "Copy" it. Then you go to your profile and there you long-tap in the signature box, where you then tap "Paste".
on the wii u you keep your finger on the screen until a mouse appears and it says "select your text" and after that you can either copy or search for it on google.
Dr. John H. Watson said:
on the wii u you keep your finger on the screen until a mouse appears and it says "select your text" and after that you can either copy or search for it on google.
Footnote with this, the Wii U clipboard can hold only 1024 characters at max, and get's cleared when you leave the Internet Browser.