Blues Brothers, Thriller MV director posts 436-page Mario movie script


Artisanal Cheese Taster
When Max Landis was much younger, he thought it was a good idea to write a script for a Mario movie. He has now published the script.

For reference, movie screenplays are usually correspond to about 1 minute per page. That means that this movie would be, unedited, about 7 and a half hours.

I hope you enjoy.
I like this part:
12 - Coherency issues. While one of the script’s biggest strength’s is its almost George RR Martin-esque level of “this pays off here, that pays off there” epic scale plotting (“if George RR Martin wrote shitty fan fic...”), there are still characters, concepts and places introduced like the reader should already know them.
Also it passes the Birdo test by mentioning Birdo twice in not really legit ways, but still.
The artwork in that page... yeah, whoever you are, stay out of my Mario, thanks.