Smash Run

Xiahou Ba

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Discuss your experiences with Smash Run here.

Recently, I've gotten first place with all characters. Hint: the reward (a smash run power if I'm not mistaken) you get for completing this challenge isn't too impressive.

I think the absolute best builds for Smash Run are Bruiser focused characters with Healing and Offensive Powers for support, as well as either Super Armor/Brief Invincibility. I usually equip Auto-Healer badges, those can help in a pinch. Bruisers really clear out enemies very quickly and the boosts you can get for quickly defeating enemies helps mitigate that you have poor defense, as well as your healing prowess helps you survive. In my opinion, it's not worth it increasing your weight for more powers, the powers you absolutely should have is healing and a form of stun invincibility (either Brief Invincibility or Super Armor).

The enemies I notably don't like? Cuccos (VERY VERY annoying), Ornes (everyone hates them, I'm no exception), and those Flower Laser things (god they suck).

I never really go into Challenge Doors since they're quite luck-based (the Hard challenges can kick you in the ass pretty easily if you're not prepared) and I never think they're that worth it.

Oh and I don't like those instances where you nabbed like, a billion jump power ups and they work out against you since you can no longer control yourself. Unless of course the event is jump-focused.
Bleeping Smash Run.

I don't want to talk about how many times I get screwed just because I get caught between a bunch of enemies and just as I'm about to attack one, I get stunned by another. The shittiest stuff is the fact that basically all the enemies make you flinch, whether they attack you or you touch them, so they could all easily gang up and wail on you, which is such a pile of bullshit.

I personally dislike most of the Kid Icarus enemies since a lot of them are cheap, or too powerful (that giant snail, the stone heart guy, orne, and the damn mimicuties), and I don't like the cars when they appear since they just love to mess with you).

And don't get me started on the ending battle stuff. You get stuck with Ganondorf and you could only get strength stuff and not a lot of speed and then it's a race to the finish challenge, or you have sonic and you got tons of speed and it's defeat all the Kid Icarus Enemies and you come out thinking you did good and then you see that some random computer destroyed you and you're like "well sorry that I couldn't kill giant skull fish guy".

This mode frustrates the hell out of me, because it does nothing other than make a hassle out of playing Smash. I only do it so I can get achievements unlocked and it does feel good when you finally do destroy a ton of enemies.
Claus said:
I personally dislike most of the Kid Icarus enemies since a lot of them are cheap, or too powerful (that giant snail, the stone heart guy, orne, and the dang mimicuties), and I don't like the cars when they appear since they just love to mess with you).

I'm mostly annoyed that Kid Icarus enemies are basically half the enemies in Smash Run

When I first played it, I could barely recognize ANY enemy in Smash Run because I haven't played Kid Icarus: Uprising or any Kid Icarus game for that matter. Um hello....isn't Smash Bros. supposed to be a Nintendo crossover...where I can, uh, recognize the enemies from familiar games? Not to mention that the Kid Icarus enemies REALLY DO look like Subspace Emissary rejects.

That giant stone thing isn't too hard to kill: it goes down fairly quickly when you attack that leaf on its head. The giant snail is annoying though, I'll give you that. It just doesn't irritate me as much as those laser flower things and cuccos.

I never really had the problem of enemies ganging up on you. This is another advantage for a Bruiser build: if you kill an enemy, their bodies as projectiles REALLY helps clears things out and it's VERY satisfying to see that one enemy you kill destroys the other guys and they drop a bunch of power-ups as a result
I agree; if I don't know the enemy, then they are from Kid Icarus, which is like more than half the enemies I face off at a time.

And I don't use items, which is probably why I always get so frustrated.
Uh what do you mean by "items"? Like the items that get dropped in the mode? Cause I don't really use them either. Other than the back shield and the Franklin badge. Oh and sometimes the Smart Bomb, Bob-omb, and X Bomb
Smash Run. I play that everyday although I finished the challenge that all players need to win in Smash Run final battles.

I equipped them auto heal badges (if don't, then I give them auto healing powers or health recovery), high attack and speed. I don't care about defense, because the first minute you will face little amount of enemies, as long as you are nimble enough to dodge them and hit them, they die fast. And you get defense powers eventually. For their powers, a level 5 Horizon Beam is a must, you use them to hit enemies like Mimicuties, Reapers, Polar Bears, etc. just the heck to get a lot of stats. If you have already auto healing, you can add Spinning Blades as well, depends how much weight you have.

At the first 1 or 2 minutes, you have to make sure you get stats easily (not getting hurt by enemies) and keep moving. Don't just run too many places and try to avoid them, it's beyond useless because they are easily to defeat. You will get decent stats. At the third minute, the game will start to annoy you by putting either a lot of enemies at once or Mahva + Flage set, it drives me crazy! Because of your increasing attack stats, you can handle them if you are not raging. Challenge doors are okay for me. True, sometimes you have to survive with a Polar Bear with two stupid barrels, but hey, just give it a try. You won't complain when you enter a room full of food, stats, and three Iridescent Glint Beetles (they drop coins when hit), right?

Shitty enemies? Two Roturrets in a small area, Banzai Bill, three Peahats in an area, Two Stalfos in an area, Darknut, Bonkers, Devil Car, Skuttler Mage, Daphne, Reaper, Clubberskull, Lethinium, Megonta, Mimicutie and Polar Bear. And this is time to use some Horizon Beams and Spinning Blades! Note that this two powers are useful in Crystal Smash as well.

Favorite enemy? Souflees! Aren't they just cute until you realized that their black eyes and mouth is just a defense system and the cherry top is their actual eye?
This is how I prepare for Smash Run:
  • Slap on the Auto Healer Badge.
  • Is the character I'm using slow? If yes, put on the Sprinter Agility Badge.
  • Does the character have terribad jumping? If yes, put on the Springer (or whatever it's called that boosts jump height) Agility Badge.
  • Fill remaining slots with powerful Attack-boosting gear.
  • Put on a Level 2 Warp Power.
  • If room for them exists, put on Health Recovery Powers (from Lv. 1-3).
  • If there is further room, put on a Reflector power that fits.

Then from there I just run around and kill everything that looks at me funny unless it's an Orne; in which case I use my Warp power.

Usually this works for me and I win the final battle.
I've run into about one orne in my ten or more smash runs.

It was kinda scary, but I managed to outrun it.
When I do Smash Run, unless it's a character I actually care, I don't play with customs on, I am lazy to make one for all characters.
I played Smash Run last night with Sonic and maxed out my Speed. Even better was that the event at the end was the race.

ThreeThousand said:
I played Smash Run last night with Sonic and maxed out my Speed. Even better was that the event at the end was the race.


It's kinda too bad that challenge has those 1-hit kill Spikeballs and/or Danger Zones that actually make having too much speed dangerous cause you can get careless and run into one. It'd be fun to see just how ridiculously fast a max-speed Sonic could go through that course without those getting in the way xD
Sonic with +200 Speed Equipment and the Sprinter Agility Badge when he's maxed out in Speed with the final battle being Run! is something I want to see.
I've did play that with Sonic having really high speed, the problem is that he's far too fast to control and far too weak to do any damage :/
Don't waste your equipment on Auto Healer badges or Speed badges.

Use one badge that boosts your attack as most as you can (Max Power gloves, Decadent Lollipop). Then equip the critical hit badge. I then put on the Moon Launcher brawn badge, but I'm not sure how exactly effective it is. But it's for the lulz.

Most Smash Run enemies die in a few hits. Even in late-game, stuff like Bulborbs and those giant stone leaf things are basically a joke. The Reapers and Polar Bears get knocked around and stunned too. The Survive thing on hard with those moving barrels becomes mindlessly easy once you deliver one smash attack to the Polar Bear, provided you advanced to the game enough.

Just carry invincibility, healing, and one offensive powers to make up for the lack of auto-healing. The Healing Power can restore a huge chunk of your health, especially if it's over 100% at times.

That power build made me max out 1000 in all stats except two, which I believe was Jump and Special.... or maybe Arms. And my high score in Smash Run ended up to be 220,000+. :P

Me use Dr. Mario, Mario, Kirby, in that order.
Dr. Mario said:
Just carry invincibility, healing, and one offensive powers to make up for the lack of auto-healing.

Super Armor is a great alternative since it lasts longer. If you use Lucario, you SHOULD use Super Armor over Brief Invincibility
Related: I am writing a Smash Run FAQ for GameFAQs. Is there any strategy out there that is more viable than mine?

Currently, my top score is with Ike, scoring 246288. With a build primarily focusing on Brawn, Critical Hits, and Moon Launchers, I can kill boss enemies in, like, two hits.