I should know this about themes, but I don't.

Don't believe there is any, just ones users made for themselves.
Fawfulthegreat64 said:
Don't believe there is any, just ones users made for themselves.
Wasn't there a user wide Dark Bowser theme or something?
you can make a custom css if you have the right extensions and plug-ins for firefox, though you have to make it yourself

also, 2257 has a custom skin made for this forum. you can ask him about it.
I'm guessing that you are asking this because of that screenshot of a dark theme I posted in the noteworthy thread.

Theming websites like that is only possible through browser-plugins that allow custom styles. You mentioned that you use an iPad, and as happens, iOS is that operating system where that is not possible.
Lakituthequick said:
I'm guessing that you are asking this because of that screenshot of a dark theme I posted in the noteworthy thread.
Partly, and also because the questions been bugging me.

Well, now I know my answer, so this can be locked.
now let's see if it'll work on the computer lol