Okay I played and beat Paper Mario TTYD back in 2004 when I was 19, i am now 30 and Have a 5 year old daughter and 7 Year old son and when they come over We pick a game and they watch me play and beat it over time usually a few weekends, the game we are currently playing is Paper Mario TTYD and I just finished the Train 3 Days of Excess Chapter but here is what is making me think i am going CRAZY! I would have swore that when i played this game originally there was a Faux Murder Mystery on the train where like different passengers were found (dead, but really just ended up being knocked out or something) so tell me am i crazy? because I just played it again and there was no murder mystery at all! just a mystery about a Pot, a blanket and a fake zip toad. I know I remember playing a Mario game with a faux murder mystery on a train and i totally remember it being Paper Mario TTYD. Is it like an optional side quest? or did do something like find zip toad to fast? like did i cause it to get skipped? somebody help me ease my mind its driving my nuts! lol the murder mystery was like passengers ended up being found knocked out/dead and the detective had mario help him find clues or something and when the culprit was found and defeated/ran off all the knocked out/Dead passengers woke back up. If this doesnt happen in Paper Mario TTYD then i must be mistaking it for a different game because This is all so vivid in my memories it has to be from at least some game, does anyone know? please someone help me here.