
Favorite Disney sequel: Lion King 2
Worst: A tie of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas 2
Lion king 2: It seemed to have a good quality of animation,story, and sound and I liked it since I first saw it. If it was placed after the Lion King I would had believed it was the same film.
Why I did not liked Pocahontas 2:
It was not that interesting and the only good thing was that a 10 foot angry Barack Obama was Pocahonta's Bodyguard. I felt Ms.Magoo and those jesters were out of place for some reason. And the love thing was too much to handle. Pardon me if you disagree but it is my problem that I didn't enjoyed it.
Why I did not enjoyed the Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2:
It's only purpose was making Quasimodo a non-bachelor guy.
The villain was not that good and was less threatening than Frollo. It was forcing the aesop of inner beauty in the film way too hard. And alot could had been avoided if the girl told Quasimodo the truth and have Quasi give the villain a piece of his mind and everything else would be okay. My apologies if there is any disagreement here.