Is this a normal way to get a loose tooth?


Prince of LOUD.
Today, 19-12-14, I got a loose tooth. Let me explain.

Today, I went to the Dollar Tree, bought some gum, and went home. When I chewed on in, IT WAS AWFUL! So, to get rid of it, I shoved it in my mouth, chewed, and BAM! Loose tooth.

So, what do you think? Is this common, or, quoting PBG, "THIS IS NOT A NORMAL!"?
Was it a milk tooth?

If so, those are supposed to fall out with advancing age, and them getting knocked loose through trivial things is fairly normal.
Yes. Milk teeth are the first set of teeth you get, which are later replaced by actual teeth.

I guess they're called baby teeth in America.
Gabumon said:
Yes. Milk teeth are the first set of teeth you get, which are later replaced by actual teeth.

I guess they're called baby teeth in America.

I got mine taken out by pencils and french fries, so it's pretty normal.
I once had one of mine knocked out by some jerk colliding with my face.


They are Milk/Baby Teeth! A MOLAR ONE!

Relax. According to your age, it's probably the last tooth, you know. It's the mark that you're at least 12 now. Onward to adulthood!
one thing to keep in mind that apparently no one told me was that you actually do keep your farthest back two molars on all sides, those are a one time offer
one thing to keep in mind that apparently no one told me was that you actually do keep your farthest back two molars on all sides, those are a one time offer

i was seriously just thinking that today because they've been aggravating the hell out of me lately
Boy George said:
one thing to keep in mind that apparently no one told me was that you actually do keep your farthest back two molars on all sides, those are a one time offer

i was seriously just thinking that today because they've been aggravating the hell out of me lately

mine were wiggly for a while after my other molars came out, and if no one had told me they don't come back I totally would've wiggled them out
Snowzomi Mistletoujou said:
Dr. Mario's Drunken Holiday Elixir said:
It's the mark that you're at least 12 now.
I got mine all out when I was 10.
It's different for everyone. I had my wisdom teeth removed at age 14.
I keep getting dreams where a bunch of my teeth get looses ala memories and grow them back quickly, just like a shark

I can still remember the sensation of getting a loose tooth, probably why I keep getting those dreams
Yeah as long as it's a baby tooth you can lose it however you want. I've lost baby teeth eating chips and chewing gum, I had some pulled out by dentists, I pulled out some of my own baby teeth, and I even once almost choked on a baby tooth because it came out when I was eating. I think all my baby teeth were gone by the age of 11.
I don't even remember when my last baby tooth fell out. I remember one time I tied a string to my loose tooth, then pulled the string behind a door, then slammed the door and that works
Puddink said:
Yeah as long as it's a baby tooth you can lose it however you want. I've lost baby teeth eating chips and chewing gum, I had some pulled out by dentists, I pulled out some of my own baby teeth, and I even once almost choked on a baby tooth because it came out when I was eating. I think all my baby teeth were gone by the age of 11.

ha, I once ate one when it got stuck in a brownie, and ate another in my sleep
apparently one of my wisdom teeth is started to grow into my molar
like it's positioned that way
the dentists are hoping it'll align itself
Dr. Mario's Drunken Holiday Elixir said:
Relax. According to your age, it's probably the last tooth, you know. It's the mark that you're at least 12 now. Onward to adulthood!

I didn't lose my last baby tooth until I was 15 and my mum was like, 'sorry the tooth fairy doesn't visit 15yr olds.' I got pretty pissed about that.

I also remember I lost my first baby tooth on Christmas day when I was 5 and I was trying to open some plastic packaging but it was too hard to break with my hands to I tried to bite it open instead.