redshell writes five nights at freddy's fanfiction and draws fanart


I'm back. You didn't miss me, huh?
it's called "the story at fredbear's family diner"

it has 4 chapters so far

oh it's done that was quick
sad last chapter too rip toy animatronics
Re: redshell writes five nights at freddy's fanfiction

It would be nice if you told me that information out.
Re: redshell writes five nights at freddy's fanfiction

I actually made up to chapter six. I'll put them in too.
Re: redshell writes five nights at freddy's fanfiction

It's already here.

Chapter 7 will be a while because my FNAF 3 theory's changed since I started writing it.

Brief summary (Chapter 7): Endo is trapped by Toy Bonnie.
Re: redshell writes five nights at freddy's fanfiction

And here the *first* story ends!
yenshajing said:
It would be nice if you told me that information out.
It would be nice if you shut up, spambot.