Terrorist attack in a cartoonist office in Paris leaves at least 17 dead

Xiahou Ba

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
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Ray Trace
It's been going on in the news for a while (with some of our users placing black "Je Suis Charlie" protests on their profiles), so I feel we should at least mention it here on the Marioboards.

A cartoonist office who is in charge of a magazine called Charlie Hebdo got attacked by Islamic terrorists because of their, rather shocking, depictions of Muhammed. For some background information, Charlie Hebdo is a left-wing French satirical magazine that enjoys poking fun at religion and satirizes it in general, and they don't simply target Muhammed or Islam. They had been firebombed in the past for one of their covers; in January 7, 2015 masked terrorists went inside the building and killed several people, including well-known cartoonists and editors.

Some more information here:




I offer my condolences to the victims of the attack and I see this as an attempt to stifle our right to free speech and criticize several aspects of our society as a whole without fear of death. Je suis Charlie.
unlike north korea, who never actually backs up any of their threats, this is serious anti-free speech stuff
That attack actually happened in January 7. Very sad, we are all touched in France and I hope nothing like this will ever happen again.
also just so you guys know there's a good number of americans that are pissed off the us didn't send anyone more important than our ambassador to the rally in paris
Ugh, terrorist attacks

not a subject i like hearing, i just hope something can be done against next time.

I think ill just pray for paris too, since its in pretty big need.
Cirdec said:
That attack actually happened in January 7.

Thanks for correcting me
Cirdec said:
That attack actually happened in January 7. Very sad, we are all touched in France and I hope nothing like this will ever happen again.
I don't live in France, but this was something my French mother was talking about all day.

Here are some covers that somehow "justified" the terrorist's attack.

Some other covers can't be posted in the forum due to their provocative nature for most viewers in the forum (naked people, genitalia, topless women, people sodomizing), but you can do a simple Google search (remember, the stuff can be inappropriate to some but please consider the different French cultural norms) and get a clue of how they depict satire.

Javelin said:
also just so you guys know there's a good number of americans that are pissed off the us didn't send anyone more important than our ambassador to the rally in paris
If there's any depiction that the French are cowards, this tragedy certainly is the case against it. When it comes to biting satire, Americans look like wusses. A lot of media in the U.S. have refused to show covers from the cartoons due to their provocative nature, that they don't want to offend a few, but I think it's just self-censorship out of cowardice.

Here are what some cartoonists have responded to this attack.



Please, I hope nobody in this forum says along the lines of "they were provoking the terrorists, they knew that it was coming, they deserved it" if that happens, that person is an asshole. You don't justify violence on anything, especially on cartoonists.
it's worth noting that no politicians from opposing political groups to the one in charge were invited to the "unity" marches
I was wondering why some people had "Je Suis Charlie" in their profile. This is tragic and they completely didn't deserve to be attacked like that.
Mario Party X said:
Here are what some cartoonists have responded to this attack.


This is legendary.

I decided to do it in the stylings of the French flag in my signature (swapping white for light grey because it's white and won't show) to show my support. Don't kill cartoonists for their cover art, that's just upsetting.
This event reminds me of the controversy with South Park's "201" episode.

I'm very sorry this happened and hope it never does again.
Magikrazy said:
This event reminds me of the controversy with South Park's "201" episode.

I'm very sorry this happened and hope it never does again.
Yeah, suddenly, "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" becomes relevant again.
Magikrazy said:
Makes me think what would have happened if Comedy Central hadn't censored the episode.
I don't know, but they're still wusses for that.

Charlie Hebdo is still strong. Here's a new cover by them.


I found some more cartoons responding to the massacre.



This attack is an example of how sadistic terrorists are. Let's hope and pray it won't happen ever again.
The two involved in the Charlie Hebdo shooting are dead, as is the person who threatened to kill hostages in a supermarket if the police went after them. I think the police are still looking for his wife, but I could be wrong.
Yep the three terrorists are dead. But it's obvious they received help, to know exactly at which day and time there was a meeting at Charlie Hebdo, while they got the wrong adress first when they tried to find it, they went to the 6 while it was at 10.
If I recall correctly, isn't there one guy who turned himself in?

Not sure what to say about this.