The most stupidly obscure image request, ever.

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Shine Sprite
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In 2012, I remember seeing a picture of NOA's headquarter. It was a framed letter with a statement among the lines of "Nintendo of America would like to thank Game Informer/Players for their fair and balanced review of Mario Party", signed by Minoru Arakawa and Howard Lincoln, NOA's two top execs in the 90s. The statement was of course sarcastic - the review in question was very negative.

It would be a neat to illustrate the reception section on the Mario Party article (or even as a trivia point), but well, gotta find it first. I saw it on NeoGaf, but no combination of keywords has helped me find it, there or elsewhere.
I found something:

Holy shit, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Googling around the image url lead me to the source page, along with a bigger version of the picture.
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