Compressing a PNG file while keeping the quality the same

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SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
I tried to submit my HD Count Bleck sheet to MFGG, but it was too large. Compressing it into a zip file barely decreased the size at all. So I tried splitting the sheet up into multiple PNG images (cape- inside.png, cape- outside.png, head.png, etc) and the zip file actually turned out larger than before. MFGG's limit is 3mb by the way. Is there any way I can compress this without losing quality? I tried a couple online compressing sites but they all made the image lose quality.
How big is the file in question anyway?

I'm pretty sure you can't compress the file without losing quality anyway. I know indexing the image lowers size but it compromises color quality as well.
First off, when I download your sheet from your thread in FC (DeviantArt), it is 2.23MB, which already is under that limit.

Putting that aside, I looked at your image in more detail, and discovered that if you shove aside the transparency, a bunch of stuff appears that does increase the file size.

Here is it without alpha channel:

Alpha channel:

You can see what I'm getting at.
In some places this kind of stuffing may help, but in case of Nastasia being in there too along other things, that does not.

Anyway, as I said your file is already under 3MB, so I don't know why MFGG doesn't think that.
Whoa, how did all that crap get there? Does Photoshop secretly copy much more than I intend to copy? That's just weird, though I believe I've seen something like it before, if I can find it again I'll post it...

K, here it is:
When I opened that in Paint many years ago, it had bits of the TTYD cover around it. I'm guessing that's the same thing?

I'm a blithering idiot.

Guess what... Turns out the site was trying to tell me the stupid PREVIEW icon was too large. Easy fix. Damn. This is resolved. Next time I should pay attention to what it's actually saying instead of seeing an error, freaking out and posting needless topics such as this. Ugh, and I posted this in the MFGG forums as well...with no replies. Since I'm new there I bet that makes me look like a troll or something... damn.

Anyway this can be locked as it's resolved.
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