Which Mega Man game should I get on the 3DS Virtual Console?

Glitchy Bowser Jr.

"Stuff it, sponge brain!"
I just got the Pokémon Trading Card game (I used to have it on the GBC and it was great but I lost it long ago) off the VC with some leftover money and now I have $6.56 left and I wanted to get a Mega Man game. Which is the best? Other than Mega Man 2 I already have it .
They are entirely new games. For example, Mega Man III has four Robot Masters from Mega Man 3 and four Robot Masters from Mega Man 4 and all their stages are brand new. There are completely original Wily stages and they gave birth to the Mega Man Killers who are awesome.

Mega Man V is nothing but original content and features the Stardorids instead of _____ Man.

Totally worth the investment.