So I was checking the new xkcd comic and I thought it could make for a good tournament.
Moving on to next round:
Neil Armstrong
Stretch Armstrong
Jeff Bridges
Jack Daniels
Orson Welles
George Orwell
Russell Crowe
Gene Simmons
Gene Hackman
Alan Parsons
Eugene V. Debs
Gene Wilder
Oscar de La Renta
Jack Nicholson
Phil Mickleson
Bryan Adams
Chubby Checker
Colin Firth
Will Ferrell
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Danny Glover
Neil Armstrong
Stretch Armstrong
Jeff Bridges
Jack Daniels
Orson Welles
George Orwell
Russell Crowe
Gene Simmons
Gene Hackman
Alan Parsons
Eugene V. Debs
Gene Wilder
Oscar de La Renta
Jack Nicholson
Phil Mickleson
Bryan Adams
Chubby Checker
Colin Firth
Will Ferrell
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Danny Glover