also I hang out here, I guess
Hey there, guys.
I say this with a heavy heart, but I've known for a long time that it's time for me to move on from MarioWiki and Userpedia.
For those who don't know of me- you probably won't gain anything from reading this. You may as well go along.
But for other people- people who were my friends, people who hate my guts, people who think highly of me, whatever, this message is for you.
I found MarioWiki nine years ago, and joined it officially eight years ago. It was my first internet community, and being the loner I was at the time, it was my first really big group of people I could consider friends. I went through a lot of traumatizing shit as a kid, so due to that I was placed in special education and became an outcast, never really learning how to talk to people until I found this place.
I came here because I wanted to be stupid and act like a clown around people like me, people who loved Mario and shit, because I was so young and so lonely back then.
Chances are, I could've turned out better. My first forays with romance in the form of long distance relationships probably weren't the best option I could've taken, all things considered, but hindsight is 20/20 I guess.
That's kind of what this is about, anyways. Hindsight.
Nine years ago, I found MarioWiki.
Eight years ago, I joined it.
Seven years ago, I made my first real group of friends here, like Palkia and Neurario. I bumped into Stooben as well and found an idol in him.
Six years ago, I joined Userpedia and started writing awful stories via my Nintendo Wii.
<@Ultima|KoL> So you became bi because of someone over the internet?
<TabuuxNeurario> ....Yeah, pretty much.
I fell in love for the first time, and due to a combination of stupid Internet drama and my home life, I finally became depressed.
Five years ago, I got promoted and continued toiling away at stories on Userpedia.
Four years ago, I went crazy. I stayed that way for a while.
Over the years in this community, I've gotten to know a lot of people. As of the past few years, though, I've become disassociated.
The primary thing keeping me here, in fact, was my determination to finish 132, once and for all, that story idea I couldn't let go of. Everything I've written over the past six years has meant something to me, has been close to my heart, but I'm nineteen years old now, I'm an adult and it's time for me to move on with my life.
I got out of the shitty environment I came from, finally. Using the writing skills I honed writing awful stories on Userpedia, I make enough of an income writing shitty tech articles online to get by, day to day. I'm a full-time writer now, and one day I may even achieve that silly dream I had when I started, that I'd write some story that everyone would love and get famous or something, but I very much doubt that will happen.
It doesn't deter me, though. My life's going to be a good one from here on out, and I'll be doing everything in my power to make it that way.
There's nothing more here for me.
So, bye. I hope you new kids keep on keepin' on, just try not to be as stupid as I was. (That shouldn't be an issue, I was particularly dumb.)
For the people who I stayed here with...well, in a sense, I kind of grew up with you guys. We may not be on good terms, but I still value all the memories I shared with every single one of you, no matter what you think of me. I think of MarioWiki and Userpedia like home.
But it's not my home anymore. Not for me, and that's okay.
If anyone still wants to stay in touch with me, my Skype is Tabuu132 and my Steam is here (if I removed you, it probably wasn't personal- I cleaned my friends list of just about anyone I didn't talk to consistently). I'm also on Tumblr and Facebook, if those strike your fancy.
Later, MarioWiki. It was a good run.